The garage area does get some sun, but I think I will try to move a good portion of it off the garage a bit. Currently, the bed is about 1.5 feet away, and I think I only really get early morning and late afternoon sun there. Nothing during the day unless it's several feet out. I have been looking/wondering if there are some edible berry plants that grow in limited sun, but I sense I'll get little harvest there. The garage area may also be something I build down the road, dependent on current wood supply.
I've been storing logs, branches, yard waste, compost for about a year. Hopefully, I'll have enough. My main goal is to make the area a little bit more neighbor friendly in addition to added growing capacity. The pile of yard waste is loved by the wildlife, but my Roundup wielding neighbor finds it a major eyesore, and actually chastised me yesterday for how "ugly" it looked. This is just after she whipped out the industrial size jug of Roundup with built in sprayer head. It took all I could to not say to her "perhaps those weeds are telling you something", but I also know that I have to do everything possible to keep the city from paying me a very expensive visit. There are some mighty "illegal" things going on in my yard. Nothing terrible, but the city has given us an inch by allowing folks to plant in the parkway. I've, with mother nature's help, taken several miles.