rob zos

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since Nov 04, 2012
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Recent posts by rob zos

cool gravity fed thermo controled up draft boiler to enspire you. only just gettting going
11 years ago
can any1 make a rocket bath water heater that would filter the water through gravity to use again?
11 years ago
can any1 make a woodchip gasifier to run demestic gas cooker hob ? would the burnt gas be toxic?
or to store the gas in a canester
11 years ago

vert fed 3 foot plus only about 20 foot long realy , its not fireing at the mo but it works with no smoke and no insulation .
how much heat/ draft can the fire lose befor it starts to smoke
i know the dryer the wood the beter
could i make a wood feed from the old gas bottle on the left
the more insulated the better it run?
make multipul to heat mass?
run off wood chip?
draft fed off fan to control heat
how much draft does the fire need befor it starts to smoke?
if fan proppeld how long a tube could you use / without smoking??

12 years ago
live your life off wood gas ? heat / cook /light / electric / machinery?store gas in compresion liquid compresion generate electric to sell to the grid ?
how to make a gasaifier that you can do everything off
12 years ago

Marcos Buenijo wrote:Addendum to previous post: It is also possible to use the same steam generator used for heating applications to generate high pressure steam for a small steam engine. In that case there would be less incentive to harvest charcoal. However, I don't recommend this due to the dangers involved with high pressure and superheated steam, and the general lack of availability of the hardware involved. Since gas engines are ubiquitous, then it makes sense to stick with gasification for fueling small internal combution engines vs. the steam engine. It's also possible in principle to use the hot top of the drum to power a Stirling engine that could make a small amount of electricity and possibly power a fan for a forced air heating system. Unfortunately, I have yet to see a useful Stirling engine that could be used for this purpose. I mentioned it only because people seem to love these things, but I say forget the Stirling. You can power a gas engine today at 15-20% thermal efficiency on charcoal or wood. You can go fractional hp up to hundreds of hp on charcoal, and 3-5 hp up to hundreds of hp on wood. Until proper and cost effective external combustion systems become available, I say stick to internal combustion.

hi thanks for input , was thinking of more of a gasifier like this to power things
12 years ago
can anybody tell me where to buy a good priced gasifier to run a small engine to make electric or run log splitter near manchester , northwest of england please
12 years ago
make me a rocket fire /gasifier /that can... heat mass / water / cook on / make electric from gas steam / make light from gas /electric /steam / flame / run mechery from gas/ electric /steam / thermo controled draft propeld from gas /electric / steam / solar / store gas in compresion / no smoke please / run hydraulic pump for log spliter from gas /electric /steam ect / must have big grav fed fuel suppley to last a long time......

i know its not a lot to ask ......
12 years ago