Frank Cordeiro

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since Nov 04, 2012
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Wiccan priest living in the mountains of Southern Oregon
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Recent posts by Frank Cordeiro

You can buy guarana cuttings or seeds online and they should do well in a tropical greenhouse.  They have from two to five times more caffeine than coffee...  I used to mix it with cocoa and cayenne for a high energy drink.
2 years ago
I'm in Oregon (Zone 7) and coffee berry grows wild here.  
2 years ago
I only have a 5 acre property, garden about 1/4 acre due to water restrictions, and let the rest remain as forest.  Many permaculture books are designed for larger properties.  Is this book something I can use or would it just contain information for the larger community?
3 years ago

A good book on how we view death is Rev. Paul Beyerls book "On Death and Dying" 978-0-9863639-0-0.  
5 years ago
It could be the tree or it could be the soil...  Do you have other apple trees growing nearby?  I have an area where trees died after a few years,  I dug down and discovered there was a old oiled road several feet down.  Comfrey growing under the tree might help.  I vote for leaving the tree and also trying another variety.
6 years ago
Send me your address.  I am just about to pick the old fruit.  The seeds should be ready to sprout.
6 years ago
My Yuzu limes have survived three days of 10 degree weather with just some minor stem damage.  It is producing lots of good fruit with no freeze damage the last two years.
I use my trifoliate orange to make a household cleaning solution by soaking cut up and squeezed oranges in white vinegar.
I am in Southern Oregon.  Most years we hit 10 degrees in winter but sometimes a bit lower...
6 years ago
I do the TP pots too. They are great for larger seed like squash. I write on the side of the roll with a magic marker. Fill it with soil (slightly packed in) leaving about a half inch lip on the top end.. Stand it up in a cat litter tray and plant a seed in each tube. When it's ready to plant I use a bulb planter to make the hole and drop in the tube. No transplant shock. It's free and the lip of the tube protects against cutworms.... I love it!
11 years ago