Dominic Allamano

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since Nov 12, 2012
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Recent posts by Dominic Allamano

Anybody at the conference heading back to the San Diego airport? I fly out Monday noon'sh. Thanks! 91six.eight33.nine80one
10 years ago
I've landed in San Diego and will be hanging out until the vanpool ride at 6:30. Anyone else here and want to meet up? 91six eight33 nine80one
10 years ago
I am in search of a rideshare option from the San Diego airport on the afternoon of the 12th.

I'm flying in from Sacramento and will be arriving at 2:50pm.

10 years ago
I am in search of a rideshare option from the San Diego airport on the afternoon of the 12th.

I'm flying in from Sacramento and will be arriving at 2:50pm.

10 years ago
For future reference, if anyone needs tree collard plants in the the Sacramento area, I have them, and will for the foreseeable future. We've got lots of exciting urban food forestry endeavors in the works in Sac - connected to the expanding work of - and propagating the distributing tree collards is a key early step for me in these works. I've presently got about 100 plants in 1gal pots, most bushed out somewhat to be more productive. Contact me for details.