Hello everyone! im new here and have already been driving Ernie & Allen nuts with rocket stove questions..lol But thought i would give an intro and a hello!
My hubby, Art & I are both in our 40`s and spent a lifetime working corporate jobs. The last 5 years we quit our jobs moved to a small Indian pueblo in Santa Fe, New Mexico (from Sonoma county CA), where he was born.
I have been a soap maker since I was a kid, my grandmother made it on her small farm and i spent summers working the farm with her and doing many of the day to day chores. Anyway, so 5 years ago we devoted ourselves to developing our soaping business online and have gotten successful enough to work for ourselves, Lots of labor small money, but enough to be happy out of the working grid! Some very close, dear friends of our recently bought a small plot of land (4 acres) in our dream location, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Its a dream our families have talked about for 10 years. We are going to make the lan into a community farm for our 2 familys. Gardening, some small livestock ect and our soaping business. We plan on going off grid completely, but for now it has a small well and electrical on the property. It came with some small cabins and a few outbuildings. We moved her family into the cabin with all amenities as she has kids, mine are all grown and gone. So for Art and I, we are taking over the cabin that is just a small 2 room empty shell. We are truning the tiny room into a composting toilet room , and the large room into a studio apt, type space. We will live in this as we build our new off-grid Cob & Strawbale hybrid home after the snows melt in April. So basically we will be living almost in the 1800`s, the only electrical will be an outdoor extension cord to us and no running water. So fridge will be outside box in the snow, water will be in water barrels, and heat wil be a large Pocket Rocket for now! Ive posted some pics below, we LOVE the property. The 1st acre was very nicely groomed by the older couple who sold it as a campground, the other 3 acres are undeveloped.