Thank for the reply. Ok here's what I have concluded so far. Green house attached to the house such as the earthships great got solar gain. It would be especially useful in the northeast climat that I am in. Any less heating fuel(oil/wood/electric) I would have to use is a plus. Next the green house as a food source. What my idea was just to have little herb garden maybe a few ornamental plants. It wasn't something I wanted to have to depend on for a main food source. I love the outdoors. but I I did want to find out what it is capable of. I could still start my seedlings in there but I realize what I was originally looking to do with it(herbs and ornamental) is about at it's capabilities. Major problems I came across are- leaky windows that were slanted or set at an angle, high moisture in the house, work and or material value versus actual output and fictionality of the greenhouse attached to the house similar to earthships.Benefits- huge supply of solar gain yr round, grey water recycle to water plants, fresh herbs yr round, entertainment esthetics.