Roberto Folgarait

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since Dec 20, 2012
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Recent posts by Roberto Folgarait

Your proposal is very interesting Jay, Will you please tell me something more?
e.g.; Where your farm is, what kind of job is "keep up the plants around", etc?
If you want, you can also contact me privately (Private Message - PM) in this forum.
Bye, Roberto.
12 years ago
Thanks everyone for this information.
Maybe there are other people with this interest, I suggest to open a new topic in this forum, do you agree?
12 years ago
Hi Roberto,

Me too am interested in permaculture in North Africa, if you like we can talk about, and if you want you can contact me privately, write in Italian, I'm Italian.

Ciao, Roberto.
12 years ago

just write the name of the state and in which area is it, I'll do the rest.

Thank you again, ciao.
12 years ago
Hi Walter, thanks for your answer.
You're saying; "there are lots of places left without zoning and permitting"; could you pleas tell me (with google maps if you like) where some of these places are?
12 years ago

Hi All, I'm new to this formum, but I've been interested on permaculture since 2005
I live in Northern Italy and would like to know if there are wild places in US where you can build a Tiny House without asking permission from the Authority. If so, could someone please tell me any of these places?
Thanks and regards, Roby
12 years ago