Be Dert

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since Jan 08, 2013
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I am so in love with this angle. It has a lot in common with some of my own most recent thinking on intentional community forming, and I intend to keep in the loop (as in following this topic) as best my schedule allows. I'm not down to move to Alaska, but if there are others who are into this model or something like it, and are interested in starting up something similar in the southeast (I nominate West-Central Georgia), please feel free to holler at me. I'm currently sitting on a little over 4 acres that I'm not able to put to much use given lack of funds, experience, and participants. This particular spot wouldn't likely make a great long term home base, but there is just stupid amounts of land around here and I would really love to see the land in and among this cluster of small towns (Luthersville, Haralson, Sharpsburg, Hogansville, Greenville, Senoia - basically, Walking Dead territory) get populated with paleo-permies, such that we're able to share/trade labor and equipment, have people to socialize with who appreciate our peculiar charms, and maybe even constitute some sort of voting bloc of some local significance at some point. I don't mean to derail this topic with discussion of how my ideal vision would vary, but I would love to discuss some variation on this type of project in my own bioregion with anyone who would care to pm me about it. If we get some substantial interest going, there may be a post dedicated to it in the near future. In the meantime, cheers and I'll return to lurker status for a while. - Bert
11 years ago
I've been a couple times. It's amazing. I may well end up there.
11 years ago
Howdy y'all. We're sorta new to the south-of-Metro area, not too far from Pine Mountain actually. Between Luthersville and Haralson, on 4 acres. Have some thoughts about attracting more of our "type" to the area. Would love the opportunity to socialize. We've got one set of neighbors, and they haven't really warmed up to us. Maybe something about all the eclectic decor and witchy books. Would also love to hear about any money-makin' opportunities in the area, specifically ones that aren't bleak and soul-crushing. One of us (Bert, writing now) has a job but it keeps me gone too much and doesn't pay near enough. The other (Eva) is around more but severely underemployed at the moment. Trying to get various artsy and crafty hustles up and running, but in the meantime bills keep coming and the proceeds from the sale of the previous house won't hold out forever. I'm sure I don't have to tell anyone on here that it can look bleak sometimes. And this past week has been one of those times. Some kindred spirits would be just the ticket, as would some juicy job leads.

Let's win!,
11 years ago
We're here. About an hour point five south west of Atlanta. On 4 acres, surrounded by thousands more that we don't own but that aren't going anywhere any time soon. Struggling to make the rent and tend the land (either one being pretty tough on its own). Would love to let some folks pull an RV up and stay rent-free or damn near, in exchange for some help around the place. There's more to do than we can or even know how to do, but it sure is a cute little patch of land, very much worth doing right by.

Anyway. We're here.
11 years ago
Still looking? My cousin's a CPA, and may be about ready to start working again after taking some baby-related time off. Shall I forward this to her?

And I like the sound of your project, too. I'm all about working on getting humanity back into right relationship with the land in any way, and I like your big-picture vision and ambition. If there are other ways to plug into your work, I hope you'll let me know!

Let's win!,
11 years ago
Howdy! We live in Georgia, and would be happy to have a kickass yurt couple to share our 4 acres with. But assuming you'd rather stick a little closer to home, I could see if my sister in Durango would be willing and/or able to take in some folks. They just moved out there earlier this year, and while they are lovin' it, it sounds like it may also be a little lonely.
11 years ago
Greetings, Permies! We've had a chicken death recently, and of course it was one of the ones the kids had picked out and named. So now they wanna hatch a chick to replace her, and I'm wonderin' how we'd go about making a simple, cheap incubator. Can't seem to find a small one commercially like I remember seeing when I was a kid. And besides, if they can be knocked together and it could be a fun-for-kids project, well then why not do it ourselves? Anybody got any simple schematics?

Bert n Eva n Sebbie n Lyra
11 years ago