Hi friends! I'm one of the facilitators at the Permaculture Voices Conference, and I'm honored and excited to be part of the family. My friend Melissa and I have been exploring housing options but we're still looking for a place to stay. We're both young farmers on tight budgets, so we would love to share a room with other folks. We both have thermarests/sleeping bags/towels etc and would prefer a home stay or something at Pechanga or walking distance. We can pay money or figure out a trade
She lives near PDX and is a founding/farming member of www.WinslowFoodForest.com and I'm the founder/farmer/facilitator with www.Sporulate.org in Ashland, OR. Contact me directly 5one7-97four-88eight3 if you have a place to share with us. Looking forward to meet y'all next week !!