After reading Göran Bergkvist 's thesis from 2003 I went and did some experimentation of my own. I established a white clover base ( huia white clover ) and after a year of cutting it back to reduce weed competition , I no tilled rye in the fall of 2015. The field of 20 acres suffered competition from burdock , perennial grasses, some thistles but 75 % of it was relatively pure stand. The rye was harvested for cover crop seed , Aug 2016 at a yield averaging 1 tonne / acre. The clover looks good and has spread and established itself with vigour. The field was fertilized with composted animal manure , straw based.
In sept 2016 I rolled the clover back with a crumbler , 3X over a span of a week. The clover was crimped and died back. Winter wheat was planted Sept 2016. The stand of wheat looks to have decent growth and a better more consistent population then the rye did. I believe the no till drill we used for the wheat did a better job of cutting a slot with fluted disks and heavier down pressure.
I am considering planting wheat again in 2017, do you have any suggestions? The wheat crop is more easily marketed and I can see myself growing it for the certified organic market.
Attached is a couple of pics, the one dated apr 4 2016 is the rye stand and the one dated nov 15 2016 is the wheat stand in late fall.
Thanks so much any input would be greatly appreciated. I initially wanted to do corn into white clover but switched to small grains after considering the potential for complete failure ,