I've recently been inspired by Walter Jeffries' posts as well as his blog, and am looking for any experience/information regarding training pigs to eat
hay, namely pigs that have never eaten hay before (but have been pastured).
A little background:
I'm raising mulefoot hogs for their purported ability to thrive on forage alone. When we bought our first batch of three one-year-old pigs last spring, I put them on a chunk of
land with about 1/3 acre in fairly tall grass and a few
trees (eastern red cedar,
honey locust, smallish mulberries, and a few others), and I noticed that they grazed the grass but rooted minimally, but I still gave them each a couple pounds of grain daily. Long story short, we had some breeding problems, and those three are now in the freezer. Now I have six 8-month-old pigs tilling our garden spot. I've been feeding them about 4 pounds of grain (corn and oats, sometimes with some alfalfa pellets thrown in) each per day, but am trying to cut that amount back and hopefully eliminate it entirely.
First attempt, I threw them a square bale of hay and sprinkled about 12 lb. corn on top (2 lb. per pig, half what I was feeding). They ate the corn and, best I can tell, did nothing with the hay but bed down in it.
Second attempt, I threw down another 12-ish lb. of corn and dropped a chunk of a bale on top. They spread the hay and ate the corn.
Repeated second attempt, same result.
Fourth attempt, the pigs were squealing at me (like they do, since being hand-fed they associate me with food -- that's another issue I'd appreciate feedback on), so I thought I'd try to capitalize on that and only take them hay, figuring since they associate me with bringing them food, if I brought them only hay they would automatically assume it's food. Didn't work. They looked at it, sniffed it, found no grain and as such wanted nothing to do with it. So they followed me back to the barn, and out of pity I threw out some grain.
So I'm at a loss as to how to train them to eat the hay, to learn that the hay is indeed food. They seem to graze just fine in the growing season, but they're used to grain and so that's what they apparently expect it will take to fill their bellies. Any advice on how I can train them? My hope was that by feeding them grain in/on the hay they would incidentally consume some hay and realize that it, too, was good to eat, but so far no apparent luck.