Travis Johnson wrote:My question is, am I the only one that sees this kind of nonsense and spends wayyyyyyyyyy too much time thinking about it?
I spend a lot of time thinking about these sorts of things, but mostly just as a reliable source of self-amusement. I do get moderately incensed about certain things of this ilk, but that too serves as a sort of self-amusement.
One example: walking by a freezer case at Wal-Mart (I'm sorry) a while back, I noticed bags of chicken wings that said in big, bold letters "Smoked* Chicken Wings," written in a quaint hand-lettered farmers-market-esque chalkboard style. Following that asterisk, I learned that these were chicken wings to which "smoke flavor" had been added. I was at first quite angry, because there is, to my mind, a clear linguistic and qualitative difference between something that has been smoked and something to which smoke flavor has been added, and because our corporate-bedfellow government is too lily-livered to stand up and disallow such blatant lies. Then I despaired a bit, wondering how on earth as small-scale, conscientious food producers we can compete against such a stacked deck. But then I turned that into motivation to better connect with my existing customers and develop relationships that subvert such tactics. And finally I found myself amused at the obviously desperate attempts of corporate America (or wherever) to capitalize on something that it cannot understand and with which it cannot truly compete.
So, yeah, I think about such things a bit, too.