Well, after living next to a raging drunk for over a decade I'd say you do have a few options.
The strip of yard is fairly long judging from the pictures. Much longer than my 50 x 100 postage stamp property.
Invasives may be the answer. Start experimenting what might grow near the fence line.
I am not sure how a cottoneaster would fare with profuse chemical use. But I bet a hedge lilac might have a fighting chance. The purple flowers are fragrant and even though I am allergic to it may help bring beneficial insects towards the property. Lilacs don't trim up quite as nicely as cottoneasters but you could then put ornamentals underneath on your side to fill up the gap.
With my nose I'd play a different game. I'd intersperse mugo pines between columnar poplars. Plus, along the property line he can now have the opportunity to rake up your leaves in the fall and your poplar fuzz in the spring.
If you felt more adventurous, weeping willow but 10 or so feet on your side. That way he could have the privilege of raking up small branches all summer long! Best of all let the natural suckering ability of the willow work for you.
The defcon option but would be manchurian elm. I've had to live next door to three giants which make gardening very labour intensive. The seeds germinate on cement, plastic or whatever else if there is even a slight film of water. These elms are the bane of manicured landscapes. If you are willing to put up with seedlings it may be a last ditch option.
Edit, geeze Terry you beat me to it...grumble...lol