Collin Wolfe

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since Jan 18, 2013
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2b Regina. Sk
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Recent posts by Collin Wolfe

For myself it started with tomatoes and blood blisters but quickly progressed into potatoes. I shouldn't eat peppers but I do like the heat and will indulge on occasion. So you can either look for cranberry ketchup substitutes which work with some dishes, or plum ketchup substitutes which I prefer or when neither fulfills that tomato role I make a rhubarb sauce that is closer to a traditional hp sauce. You're going to have to experiment. Also, you make not react the same with cherry tomatoes I find I don't react as much to them as beef stake varieties. Again, you're going to have to experiment.
2 years ago
I will be interested in seeing the results come in the fall. My location has the frosts about a week later in spring and a week sooner in the fall. I'd say your trial may be applicable to gardening here. I look forward to seeing the results.
6 years ago
Now would be the time to go to their facebook page and see the events they will attend over the next month. Make your list now. I got their seeds directly from Rachelle on the Seedy Saturday last year. All of the corn save one seed germinated and that was accounting for mice and pocket gophers so I thought I did pretty well. The variety was new to me so I don't know if it had particular cold vigor but the corn on my plot was the first to mature out a community garden plot of hundreds. So I'd go so far to say it is Sk tested.
7 years ago
I picked up Mycorrhizal Planet and am about halfway through it. There are some interesting ideas involving non fruiting bodies of mushrooms and list incorporating different species together for better resilence. I haven't tested any of this so I am not sure how useful the information is. However, Phillips ideas' are unique and worth attempting as they adhere to natural principles.
7 years ago
I eagerly look forward to the results. If success follows who knows, maybe Paul will create a floaties forum!
8 years ago
Well, after living next to a raging drunk for over a decade I'd say you do have a few options.

The strip of yard is fairly long judging from the pictures. Much longer than my 50 x 100 postage stamp property.

Invasives may be the answer. Start experimenting what might grow near the fence line.

I am not sure how a cottoneaster would fare with profuse chemical use. But I bet a hedge lilac might have a fighting chance. The purple flowers are fragrant and even though I am allergic to it may help bring beneficial insects towards the property. Lilacs don't trim up quite as nicely as cottoneasters but you could then put ornamentals underneath on your side to fill up the gap.

With my nose I'd play a different game. I'd intersperse mugo pines between columnar poplars. Plus, along the property line he can now have the opportunity to rake up your leaves in the fall and your poplar fuzz in the spring.

If you felt more adventurous, weeping willow but 10 or so feet on your side. That way he could have the privilege of raking up small branches all summer long! Best of all let the natural suckering ability of the willow work for you.

The defcon option but would be manchurian elm. I've had to live next door to three giants which make gardening very labour intensive. The seeds germinate on cement, plastic or whatever else if there is even a slight film of water. These elms are the bane of manicured landscapes. If you are willing to put up with seedlings it may be a last ditch option.

Edit, geeze Terry you beat me to
8 years ago
As soon as I get more planting space I will be supporting the new management. I want this one to succeed. Too many important cultivars are at stake to let the business be lost!
9 years ago
The best thing to do is to contact the people at and ask them what is in stock

The link below could help answer your questions Josey. I think Alberta stands a better chance (at least southern Alberta) of field testing the Yellowhorn than Saskatchewan. If trials were successful this species would be a great foundation to design a guild around.
10 years ago
Thank you Denis. I just got a new plot for next year to work over and might be able to plant nut tree in the corner. Have you tried any yellowhorn 3b popcorn trees? The nuts are supposedly edible. Given they liked a drier soil they would be worth a try if you were around Moose Jaw. Have you talked with Rhora's about the zone 2 almond bush he has? If the squirrels were not so prolific in my neighbourhood I'd consider trying one. Would it be possible to contact you next spring to see how you made out at the nephew's? I'd like to get as much genetic diversity as possible (much like your attempt with fir trees) on the black walnuts. I agree the b.w. in Rotary park are not good examples at all. They haven't grown a bit in the last 10 years. I attributed it to the short season but it may have been something else.

I hope to eventually find land to start trials of pretty much everything you've started plus the manchurian walnut for areas with earlier frosts.

Good luck.

10 years ago
A couple of years ago the University of Sask. had some clones of the weeping Aspens from Hafford Saskatchewan. which were neat. I took two for some people but should have taken more. Fast growing. They would be a great conversation piece.

I do not think southern Sk. has enough moisture to support Fir trees. If you can prove me wrong Denis more power to you. Personally I think someone needs to improve Scots pine to the point where the seeds can be useful and same goes for Mugo pine. They are nice trees with very little usefulness. If you can find the space I'd include a couple of ginko as well. One these days someone is going to find one that flowers in zone 3 I just know it.
10 years ago