Dale Hodgins wrote:An ad in the gardening sections of Craigslist or Used Ottowa is likely to reach the right people. The upper Ottowa Valley is home to both species. Sugar maple grown in the north develops black heart. It's fine for maple syrup and firewood but seldom yields useful lumber. If you draw a line from Owen Sound to Ottawa, most maples north of the line are firewood. Your winters are colder.
we do not go into the green woods and crystal waters to rough it; we go to smooth it. We get it rough enough at home.- Nessmuk
Cee Ray wrote:http://www.ontario.ca/environment-and-energy/buy-ontario-tree-seeds-or-cones
you can ask for seed from a specific area of Ontario
Denis Huel wrote:I am specifically looking this year for seed of Northern Red Oak (Quercus borealis/rubra) from the far northwest portion(NW Ont.) of its range or anyone with seed producing trees in Zone 3 or colder. This is for a trial of adaptability in my area, southern Saskatchewan.
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Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
Denis Huel wrote:Getting to be that time of the year again!
Always looking for seed of cool trees and shrubs. I am specifically looking this year for seed of Northern Red Oak (Quercus borealis/rubra) from the far northwest portion(NW Ont.) of its range or anyone with seed producing trees in Zone 3 or colder. This is for a trial of adaptability in my area, southern Saskatchewan.
Other species of interest are Sugar Maple (same location requirements as the red oak), Apricots(Zone 3), Limber pine and Douglas fir from Alberta foothill locations. Limber pine seed should mature in the next week or two. If you have or can obtain any of the above seed please let me know and we will see what kind of arrangement we can make. If there is anything you would like let me know and I will see what I can do to help you. I am a seed/tree nut(emphasis of the nut part) with a fairly extensive and broad knowledge base with respect to woody plant seeds so don't be afraid to throw anything at me. Thank you.
Cee Ray wrote:http://www.jeffriesnurseries.com/lordselkirk.htm
Cee Ray wrote:the unity maple is clonal, came from the streets of morden
Josey Hains wrote:
Denis Huel wrote:Getting to be that time of the year again!
Always looking for seed of cool trees and shrubs. I am specifically looking this year for seed of Northern Red Oak (Quercus borealis/rubra) from the far northwest portion(NW Ont.) of its range or anyone with seed producing trees in Zone 3 or colder. This is for a trial of adaptability in my area, southern Saskatchewan.
Other species of interest are Sugar Maple (same location requirements as the red oak), Apricots(Zone 3), Limber pine and Douglas fir from Alberta foothill locations. Limber pine seed should mature in the next week or two. If you have or can obtain any of the above seed please let me know and we will see what kind of arrangement we can make. If there is anything you would like let me know and I will see what I can do to help you. I am a seed/tree nut(emphasis of the nut part) with a fairly extensive and broad knowledge base with respect to woody plant seeds so don't be afraid to throw anything at me. Thank you.
If you can direct me where to find them in Alberta, I can see if I can collect some for you. It might be too late this year though eh?
"the tree exhales, and so we live"
brevity is the soul of wit - shakespeare. Tiny ad:
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