We had three kids all were supposed to be with midwives. First came unexpectedly while my wife was out hiking and I was at a conference. I took my wife to the local hospital where she had a natural, but in the hospital birth, took about 3 hours. At least one of the nurses had been a midwife, it was OK. Second we made it to our local hospital where the midwives were in charge though we had a hospital room. It took a little longer, maybe 6 hours, and when the baby was born it had complications, basically it was strangled in the cord, but it did not seem something the midwives were able to deal with, a mild sense of panic filled the room, and the doctor came and restored the child. But it was for a moment quite scary. That kid is currently leading her school and will go to university next year. The third child came ten years later. Wife said she wanted to lie down for a moment after doing the dishes. Then she said things seemed to be happening. So I called our midwife. While I was on the phone there was a yelp from the bedroom. I dropped the phone which landed in the garbage and I went to investigate. Delivered the baby 10 minutes later.
I think you can overthink all this stuff. It's fun to look back, but if it is as natural as all that then maybe some the seminarian, and talking, etc... is a little overwrought. At it's best the pain and the effort are exaggerated. When it goes wrong, visions of the perfect birthing moment, quickly resolve to a call for a doctor.
Also, while all three births, for different reasons where memorable adventures, those circumstances aside, you get the baby. The baby is what counts, all the other stuff is meaningless.