Hugo Deslippe

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since Feb 12, 2013
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Recent posts by Hugo Deslippe

Toni Brock wrote:Wonderful update! Great info and very fun to learn what works and what doesn't. I need more info on over pollination-i am not really sure how he is going to correct for a more consistent production...?
Can anyone elaborate on that? I had a problem with not much production this year either, but I don't know how to correct.

stefan had an interview with jack Spirko that was released last week. He talks in more details about the issue and a lot more topics.
Here's the link to the episode.

Survival podcast interviews Stefan Sobkowiac

If you follow the Miracle Farms on Facebook, too, you'll see that he is currently doing a tour in Europe....lucky him
That article dates from 1970, are you sure it still is valid?
10 years ago

you caught me! I trade cannabis in Japan, and since the market is wide open, I got rich very quick, very rich. Now, I'm planning on having an exotic zoo with animals like bisons, giraffes and cockroaches.

Seriously, though, even though I presently am in Japan, I'll move back to Quebec next spring and I'm preparing my move. I already have a contact in my village who raised bisons but had to stop for health reasons. I doubt he did it the permaculture way though, hence my questions. The more mundane questions like where to get animals, and where to sell the meat, I'll ask him. Apparently he loved his bisons so I'm fairly certain he will be more than happy to teach all I need to know.

But my questions are because I also want an orchard and I will have about 5 acres of land. (I plan on borrowing/ renting my neighbors' land if I need to and I make enough money to justify it) So I could have access to up to 100 acres, if the price is good.

I would need a way to control them and I'm liking Salatin's model of no permanent structures....

Oh well, if no one know, I guess I will need to call in questions to Jack Spirko's expert council.
10 years ago
Thanks for the replies, and the link, Amos.

So, no one else has an insight on the subject?
10 years ago
Jack Spirko recently had an interview with Tim Frasier from and it left me with a few questions. I am wondering if anyone here has experience with bisons. Maybe you can answer those for me?

Can bisons be electric fence trained like cattle? He talked about not needing such a high fence but not if it is possible to go with an electric wire a la Salatin.

Do bisons browse trees? I am wondering if they could be put in an orchard.

Can they browse through snow? Obviously, they do in nature but I wonder how much snow they can take, being from East Canada, we get our fair share.

Can we drink bison milk? Just wondering....

10 years ago
You show how to prune apple trees in your movie. Do you prune other fruit trees according to the same principles?
10 years ago
He answered elsewhere saying that you need to prevent grass growing at least the with of the drip line or even better, the width of the mature tree's drip line.
10 years ago
Me too!
I was a little disappointed that it wasn't on the DVD but I understand why. It was especially surprising because you talked about in the Radio-Canada's La Semaine Verte.

So, indeed, I would love a sequel on the subject.
10 years ago
Stefan, how about a geotextile tarp?
10 years ago
As you know, I will be in your region so this is a personal question.

What place, if any would a nut tree have in a permaculture orchard in your climate and where would you put it in the NAP setup?

Also, I would like to know how are the peaches doing in your climate.

10 years ago