Hi, I have a small 8 acre fledgling blueberry orchard. I have more land but its forest and I eventually want to farm that permaculture style. Right now I just want to run my cash crop (blueberries) organically. My problem is I border another blueberry farm that is full scale commercial. They spray mustang max from planes and I get drift on my side. I know this because I had the unfortunate experience of getting misted unexpectedly when a plane dumped the stuff on it's first pass. I tracked him down and his boss got and angry phone call but long term this will ruin my organic practices. I also keep bees and Mustang Max is a insecticide known to be harmful to bees.
My question is this, can I plant some fast growing pine trees at the boarder to block the in coming mist? I was thinking of eastern white pine since they grow fast. I don't have a ton of room between my blueberries and theirs though. I have maybe 12 ft. I need something tall and thin that grows fast. Pine would be a bonus because I could use the pine needles for some much needed pine mulch.
Also does anyone know of an alternative to mustang max that would control the cherry worm but not kill my bees? Maybe I could get my neighbor to switch if I provide free pollination services. Triple points if you know of something organic that I could use too! It would have to have some commercial history to it. Convincing someone to risk their lively hood on change will take some doing.