Ben Moon

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since Feb 23, 2013
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Recent posts by Ben Moon

This clover sounds intriguing.  I wonder if it would survive here in west Texas.  Unfortunately my "Google-fu" must not be strong today and I couldn't find any suppliers either
7 years ago
Thanks all for the input. Chimney looks to be about 300 degrees when fan is on and fire is active, cools down considerably when fan is off. Had house inspected for efficiency before we moved in (blower door test) and we are pretty good. Just a big space to heat, 2200 sq ft. We close off rooms we are not using and keep it cool, about 58-62 degrees. FYI have a solar hot water tank and PV panels as well, but always trying to squeeze the most out of mother nature!
11 years ago
Hi Wyomiles! Thanks for the quick reply. Mine is the Solo Plus- Mark II. It is in the house, in the basement. How would I figure how much heat is not used?
11 years ago
Hi Permies,
I've been lead here via The Survival Podcast, poked around a bit, and thought I'd throw out a question.
The home I purchased about a year ago came with a Tarm Wood Gassification furnace. This indirectly provides heat through the forced hot air system and heats the hot tank as well. We have oil as a backup, but work hard to not hear that oil burner sound kick in (so we barely use any oil in the winter). Problem is, we burn through a lot of wood. Probably a good 4-5 cords so far this winter. I was wondering is there is any way our current system could take advantage of the rocket stove technology and reduce our wood use. So far, the best I can do is start stacking the wood upright to get that rocket type burn. Any ideas would be welcome! Thanks!
11 years ago