PIP Magazine - Issue 19: Ideas and Inspiration for a Positive Future
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Deanne Bednar

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since Feb 27, 2013
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Recent posts by Deanne Bednar

Hey there, from the Strawbale Studio in the Midwest ! Since taking a Cob Cottage Course in 1996 I have been doing natural building and sustainable living skills.
I am a learner of round pole framing, and would love to bring together a resource of projects that folks are doing with sketches, notes & photos. Got a cool round pole project you've done?

You are welcome to come visit the thatched roof structures here, and check out the Jan - Feb classes in Thatching, Round Pole Framing, Earth Plaster & Sculpture and Rocket Stove...
There is a month-long Winternship Jan5-feb5 2014...which includes all these workshops. Check out
Hey, if any of you are in the midwest, I will be offering a one day workshop on rocket stoves...with a tour of the 2 stoves here...2 mass heaters and a cooker,
and some can pocket rocket stoves. The Strawbale Studio is outside Detroit Michigan about an hour, on rural wooded land NE of Oxford, MI. There is a full
schedule here in January with an Internship jan 5 to Feb 5, 2014 and 4 one day classes in Round Pole Framing, Rocket Stove, Thatching & Reed Collecting and Earth Plaster & Sculpture.
See for the Calendar and info !
10 years ago
I did a thatched roof on a composting toilet...the Spiral Chamber, a wattle and daub spiral. It is pretty sweet.
January 2014 there are some great 1 day workshops at the Strawbale Studio: Rocket Stove, Round Pole Framing, Thatching & Reed Collection and Earth Plaster & Sculpting.
Also there is a 1 month Wintership Jan 5 - Feb 2014 which includes all the these workshops and more. Internship and worktrade available. Low fees, check out
Calendar !
10 years ago
Hi from the Strawbale Studio in Michigan N of Detroit. I have been doing guerilla thatching since 1998...Check out the website for photos and workshops.
There is a wonderful Jan 2014 schedule which includes a workshops on thatching, rocket stove, earth plaster & round pole, as well as a 1 month Winternship ~ Internship/Worktrade opportunity.
I am thatching with Phragmite, and have done quite a few structures. I really love it. Come for a class, a tour, a full moon potluck.
10 years ago
I would love to see sketches of yours ! I imagined mine would be smaller, too ! If I do it again, I would try to pull down the roofline more.

11 years ago
Hi Karl,
I would love to share things with you regarding this building. I will be back in town October 15 (co-teaching in TN -
Keep in touch. I am not used to the permie website. Did you get this message?

11 years ago
July 13 - 26, 2013
This workshop has changed its parameters ! Read on.

Appropriate for beginner & experienced alike, this course will give skills that can be applied to any new or existing home or structure ! Learn the basic techniques of natural building as we construct an enchanting cabin-sized sauna building. We will integrate a stone foundation, straw bale walls, cob wall with a door arch, round pole & dimensional framing, window & door framing, a living roof and earth plaster basics.

Location: Held on beautiful rural wooded land 1 hour north of Detroit, Michigan. See thatched buildings, earth oven, rocket stove cookers and mass heater on site+.
Camping on the land, outdoor showers, vegetarian food. Presented by the Strawbale Studio Natural Building Program, with primary instructor, Deanne Bednar, illustrator of the Hand-Sculpted House Book. Bio

Fee: $880 full price or $400 Work Trader* price (assist an extra 5 days and during the workshop) + further discounts for past participants.
Registration or information: [url=]webpage Deanne: 248 628 1887

11 years ago

One of the most enchanting & inclusive 2 week building course workshops available !
Includes Strawbale, Cob, Living Roof, Timber Framing, Earth Plasters,
Retrofitting with natural materials & classes on design, code, foraging +
Hosted by the Strawbale Studio, Oxford, Michigan, U.S.A. with 4 seasoned teachers.
Earth Oven, Rocket Stoves & Thatched buildings on this beautiful rural wooded site.
Register now for discounts and to save your place !

11 years ago
Learn cob, strawbale, living & thatched roof, sauna, cabin, timber frame, round pole, earth plaster & floors+ . 4 different workshops, taught by several seasoned teachers
Full info at
April 13 – 26, 2013 "Building the Complete Cob and Timber Cottage I" Tennessee
May 11 – 24, 2013 "Natural Building Essentials" Michigan
July 13 – 26, 2013 "Building the Strawbale Sauna" Michigan
September 28 – October 11, 2013 "Building the Complete Cob and Timber Cottage II" Tennessee

11 years ago