Deshe Fall

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since Feb 27, 2013
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Savannah GA
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Recent posts by Deshe Fall

Hi Angelica,

That is so wonderful that you looked at our website! But, guess what? We exist!!
Come visit us! Statesboro, is [b]so[/b ]close to Savannah, Where we have a community!

I can message you contact information if you like.

8 years ago
Hi Scott,

Just tought I'd give you a destination: is our farm; and, is a community.

Likewise,I don't believe in communism; however, in Acts 2, we believe a key to Our lives is found here:

"42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. 45 And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved."

I am thankful for your reply.

I understand your need: "This would NOT be a commune nor a dictatorship but a voluntary association of free property owners (insomuch as we can own property in the world today) all with equal say in all big decisions. That does not mean there will not be leadership but there will be as flat an organization of equals as possible with some temporary areas of leadership/servantship.. "

We want to guide you to a people who practice this type of life. I understand you may want to start up your own community; however, very soon one realizes: I am nothing without all.

9 years ago
Has anyone here heard about the Twelve Tribes?
9 years ago

A good topic. I'd be all for this kind of thing if I lived out yalls way😊. Maybe there are things like this down east in geogia? I just moved back.
10 years ago
Where are you looking to buy land?

I'm looking to do the same sort of thing in Western north carolina.

I would personally like to buy lots of land and somehow go in to it with a lot of different people.

THere are lots! of people in my community right now trying to buy land.

---How do I weave it all together? does anyone have a pattern? Lawyers please!

10 years ago
I was at a cob workshop in South Carolina where we used pine straw, nothing special either just right off the forest floor. We also used horse manure which when you look at it really close there's a lot a fibres da.

11 years ago
Pretty sure it's a cress, waiting for backup.
11 years ago
I've seen and dug a fair amount of them. The top looks pretty similar; however, the root system doesn't really resemble JA. Tubers are pretty close to plant. I also don't remember the roots being so many and so stringy.

11 years ago
The real ticket would be posts per apple.

I know people that have been on permies longer than the apple introduction would lose, but if there was a way to figure it once apples were brought to the market I think it could make it an interesting figure.
Of course my pantry is empty, but just wait til that apple blossom blooms, smelling so sweet. Bingo