randall gabriell

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since Mar 02, 2013
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I want to start a 4 year homesteading permaculture college where students buy land and build the entirety of the infrastructure on the land (Keyline design, forest gardens, sustainable ag, natural buiding, alternative energy and animal husbandry). Then the land would be sold collectively to pay for thier tuition. If you like the idea any resources on making this happen are always welcome!
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Athens Ohio
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Recent posts by randall gabriell

I'd be interested would love to connect again...
6 years ago
I look like one of the coneheads from that show in the welding helmet. Ha
9 years ago
My ticket might be under morgan shes is the one who purchased the ticket for me. Our company is paying my way. We purchased a ticket right before the early bird special was up. Thanks
9 years ago
Hey im flying in monday and ill be into Missoula at 7 whats the best way to get out there?
9 years ago

We have been doing alot of research and development in the area of free piston sterling engines an extremely efficient design that beats the socks off of any beta or alpha sterling. I will keep this thread posted on our progress but we are aiming at a sterling that could be made for 500$ give or take and produces 1kW. I will post pictures or video in the next month or so hopefully. We are currently powering the sterling with a gassifier that has output temperatures around 1200C and uses negligible fuel inputs. Keep tinkering this is the best renewable back back up power option in my opinion!
11 years ago
We have been doing alot of research and development in the area of free piston sterling engines an extremely efficient design that beats the socks off of any beta or alpha sterling. I will keep this thread posted on our progress but we are aiming at a sterling that could be made for 500$ give or take and produces around 1 kW. I will post pictures or video in the next month or so hopefully. Keep tinkering this is the best renewable back back up power option in my opinion!
11 years ago
We have been doing alot of research and development in the area of free piston sterling engines an extremely efficient design that beats the socks off of any beta or alpha sterling. I will keep this thread posted on our progress but we are aiming at a sterling that could be made for 500$ give or take and produces around 1 kW. I will post pictures or video in the next month or so hopefully. Keep tinkering this is the best renewable back back up power option in my opinion!
11 years ago
I have had the same thought my idea was to create a system that hydrolic ram pump filled a water storage 200 gal plus 40 feet or so high. have a float regulated valve to release the water through a many micro hydros in series.

the other idea was so have a hydrolic ram in series with our spring to fill the tanks that would supply water to the house. i then put a micro hydro in the main going to the house water and one in the spill over. so we would recieve power wether it was suppling water to the house or the excess. something similar for the rain runoff storage and spill over as well.

so ya critiques welcome
12 years ago