Tim Burrows

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since Mar 09, 2013
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Recent posts by Tim Burrows

Hey everyone! I have designed and built my own version of a vertical garden barrel planter. The major differences between mine and others is that I use a hugelkultur core and a passive watering clay "Olla". I have 40 planting pockets which turns 4 square feet into 22 square feet of garden space. I also built a rotating mechanism. Does anyone have any advice for improvements? Thanks! Facebook - Tim's Permaculture  
7 years ago
Hey Permies! Is it true that Sepp Holzer's farm was reclassified as am amusement park? Also do you know what tax bracket he was in? I heard it was very high and then tried to fact check it for a friend and couldn't find any information. Thanks for your help!
8 years ago

I missed 1 video but I filled it with geotextile fabric and then sand up to the point of the milk crates. Then I added another layer of fabric across the top, the more sand, compost, logs and soil......I would have used only 1 large piece of geotextile fabric but they only make it 6 feet wide at my local store.
8 years ago

Thanks William! Time for the other videos Now I will show the actual build...
8 years ago
I hope you like my designs.....this is last year's design. This year I am attempting a water stockpiling, extra tall wicking planter.
8 years ago
I enclosed 3 of the cubes in a small greenhouse along the side of the house. They all got extremely dry because the clay I used could not weep water as intended and the hugelkultur core was too fresh to hold water well. I eventually put a drip line to each cube and then everything was great again. Here is a few photos but there will be many more this spring.
8 years ago