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Tyler Hoff

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since Mar 12, 2013
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Recent posts by Tyler Hoff

It's sad to see how putting your head down and working like a good slave is the feedback given here. Most of us with debt from student loans have at the LEAST 10 to 15 years until we can have these contracts paid off. With the way things seem to be heading, who knows what this world will even look like 10 - 15 years from now. A lot of us we're pressured into going to college and obtain degrees so we can "make it" in the real world. Blinded by our own ignorance and buried by our own signature. We are the generation that can make changes. We are young, passionate, soulful, smart, inspired and very ambitious about making serious change in the world and sustaining our massive population. Is this something we should just kick under the rug? Why do we have to accept this? Why are most universities for profit? Why is all knowledge not free ? Why is it, the rewarding and important goals we want to pursue have to be set to the back burner? Should the world be a business? I'm looking for the same opportunity Kat, maybe we should just become convicts . If you find anything be sure to share. Best- Tyler
9 years ago
Hello, I am new to the website and am very eager to learn all this awesome knowledge!

I recently started up a window garden with about ten varieties of food and herbs. I have very limited space otherwise I'd be shooting for a big ole garden plot.
I am growing Aka Takana (Red Leaf Mustard), Purple Basil, Danyelle Lettuce, Kale, Miniature Greek Basil, Thyme, Oregano, Garlic Lemon Chives. Very Small Scale, plan to get as big as possible!

I will post pictures soon! As of right now Im looking to build some sort of composter that will work inside or a small one that I can put up outside my door. I work at Scotty's Table in Missoula and we use mostly organic materials, unfortunately comes scraps. I have been wanting to save them for personal composting or donation to someone who will use them. I just hate seeing perfectly good organic scrap fill up our landfills and not be utilized .
I have very limited space and if anyone has had luck with any indoor composting or on the small scale. Please let me know. If not does anyone know of anyone accepting food scraps by the pound. I got lots!
Here is a couple posts of trees that have captured my atterntion over the last months of fall. Worthy of the most delicate of pies!

Thanks for viewing,

Tyler Hoff
11 years ago