First off SMARTER EVERYDAY! I love his videos and wow thanks for the info that's new to me. I'm not saying its not possible I'm saying I think its not feasible. I think this is a good idea and you should push for the idea to be used in side walks and cross walks first.
But why glass? you are just replacing concrete and asphalt with glass and putting panels under it?
I like the idea of making glass bricks but there are a few issues with them that I can see. We have torn up many brick roads because of the cost and maintenance involved in them and replaced them with cheaper materials (asphalt/stamped concrete). Also the way the earth under it moves and the traffic on top of it causes the bricks to shift,pop out and be pushed out by snow plows. We had issues with brick crosswalks in my local city just recently. They were replaced with brick but with a foundation of about 6-10 inch concrete giving the bricks a solid base...until the concrete breaks.
What about weather and harsh winters with salt and snow plows?
I still see the earth movement and the traffic being a problem... Especially large simi trucks. Not to mention the costs and maintenance involved.
Solar cells that are so widely used right now are made from silicon because its the cheapest and most abundant for manufacturing and sales. I think using the sun as a source to melt the glass would be ideal too. Perhaps they can start using that technology into their process of making silicon.
I think if you can come up with another idea to sell us on glass roads other than it can produce it produces power but in the future we will be hovering over them. Your thoughts for utilizing a production product in place of a another that is not productive is very exciting and think you should keep up the ideas.
I found this link dated back in 2009 perhaps you could research it more and find out where it has gone.
I could see them used in courtyards and side walks and cross walks in the future though! this is very interesting. The city grew up in is going to be doing a lot of changes and perhaps I could give them some of your ideas. This is great keep up the good work.