Cris Sarabia

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since Mar 14, 2013
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Long Beach, CA
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Recent posts by Cris Sarabia

If anyone wants to split a room at the hotel, please message me. If we split a room its pretty reasonable
9 years ago
Saw tons of it today in the irvine valencia companies avocado orchards. They were all cut up and everything. I wont be back there for a while but ill ask if theyre up for getting rid of it.
10 years ago
Im still looking around and trying to get some housing set up but if that doesn't work out, Id love camp with you all. Ill be driving down from LA either Wednesday night or early Thursday morning and can give a ride to anyone that fits in my truck. If anyone needs someone to help with renting a house, let me know.
11 years ago
Im looking to book a room soon and would love to jump in one of these houses if possible. It would just be me but Im willing to share room if its needed
11 years ago