Manolis Karamous

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since Mar 16, 2013
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Recent posts by Manolis Karamous

Cj Verde wrote:

Manolis Karamous wrote:
For screenshot capturing program a nice one that works on Windoz,on Mac and on Linux as well is ScreenCloud

Screen capture is a built in feature on a Mac, all you have to do is hit SHIFT, COMMAND, 3, all at the same time. It'll make a sound like an old fashioned camera taking a photo. Mine get saved to the desktop but if you can't find it, search for "screen shot."

The above program just extends the functions. It automatically uploads the screenshot to screencloud's server, and copies in the clipboard the link, or just copies the captured screenshot to the clipboard. It just saves you from an extra file. You can paste it at your program with a simple Paste function
10 years ago
Erik, just my two cents.

For screenshot capturing program a nice one that works on Windoz,on Mac and on Linux as well is ScreenCloud
10 years ago

Dan Grubbs wrote:Sorry if this seems off topic, but my quick search didn't seem to find anything about drilling wells. I'm looking to drill a well on our 10-acre place to feed a series of ponds, but I don't want to get ripped off by a commercial driller. Anyone out there with advise? I'd love to know if there are any questions to ask or if there are resources I should be looking up first.


What else do you need other than this site??
11 years ago