Barbara Acker

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since Apr 07, 2013
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western Oklahoma zone7a
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Recent posts by Barbara Acker

Q:What about insects like ants or roaches crawling under the lid into the brine?
11 months ago
My peach tree split until the branches were laying on the ground, but they still are attached enough that the leaves are still green, and the peaches are slowly ripening. Now we need more rain.
5 years ago
file:///home/ferron/Pictures/67376038_641198553043160_754148406946955264_n.jpg%20peach%20tree%20crack My peach tree has a crack at the fork of two super loaded branches after years of drought we had record rainfall.
5 years ago
In a historical colonial house in Massachusetts they had a replica mattress on display, stuffed with long pine needles. It looked very uncomfortable.
5 years ago
I found out that using the green herb was not a good idea. The pillow got damp and cold and contracted. I will gather some more and dry it first..
5 years ago
I would like to find out more about how lady's bedstraw was used for mattresses. I just now stuffed a pillowcase with it to try tonight. My hands got irritated by the sticky/ scratchyness of the herb. When I  have looked up herbal pillows I find how to make a pillow case but not how to prepare the herbs.
5 years ago