In a certain spot in my farm , where grey water from the kitchen run , there was a soil like no other , it creates top soil fast , it grows plant like leblab and lofa like no other.
I know that for 4 years or so , but couldn't really figure out the reason , I thought it might be the food left over that might be doing the trick .
later on, it came to my mind that the liquid soap wash might have something to do with it , what we learnt from childhood that soap water kills your plants
I have to mention that my soil is sandy one , so I picked another spot in my farm and added some soap liquid with a lot of water . what appears to me that water don't leach down so fast as it used to do .
what in my mind now and I might be wrong is : I think that my soil is hydrophobic one it leaches water down so fast through cracks ,and so little water gets to the plant roots , so dish washing liquid acted as wetting agent that did a better job with my soil .
my questions are ,
am I right ?
what am I missing ?
how can I make a natural wetting agent ?
my soil is in end of the desert , it's almost caliche ,we get almost no rain all the time , we have to till big and add lots of manure every time we grow new crop, most of the near by farm use lot of chimical fertilizers ,herbcide , pest and fung cide ,no till method was not good idea at all . summer is really hot and long
I tried lots of natural things with little help
I might not be around in the next 2 weeks i