Mostafa Ismail

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since Apr 21, 2013
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In a certain spot in my farm , where grey water from the kitchen run , there was a soil like no other , it creates top soil fast , it grows plant like leblab and lofa like no other.

I know that for 4 years or so , but couldn't really figure out the reason , I thought it might be the food left over that might be doing the trick .

later on, it came to my mind that the liquid soap wash might have something to do with it , what we learnt from childhood that soap water kills your plants

 I have to mention that my soil is sandy one , so I picked another spot in my farm and added some soap liquid with a lot of water . what appears to me that water don't leach down so fast as it used to do .

what in my mind now and I might be wrong is : I think that my soil is hydrophobic one it leaches water down so fast through cracks  ,and so little water gets to the plant roots , so dish washing liquid acted as wetting agent that did a better job with my soil .

my questions are ,
am I right ?
what am I  missing ?
how can I make a natural wetting agent ?
my soil is in end of the desert , it's almost caliche ,we get almost no rain all the time , we have to till big and add lots of manure every time we grow new crop, most of the near by farm use lot of chimical fertilizers  ,herbcide , pest and fung cide  ,no till method was not good idea at all . summer is really hot and long

I tried lots of natural things with little help

I might not be around in the next 2 weeks i
7 years ago
I will be around for a day or so then be gone to the farm for a while  where I don't have access to the net  so forgive me if I don't give answers by that time
7 years ago
In a certain spot in my farm , where grey water from the kitchen run , there was a soil like no other , it creates top soil fast , it grows plant like leblab and lofa like no other.

I know that for 4 years or so , but couldn't really figure out the reason , I thought it might be the food left over that might be doing the trick .

later on, it came to my mind that the liquid soap wash might have something to do with it , what we learnt from childhood that soap water kills your plants

 I have to mention that my soil is sandy one , so I picked another spot in my farm and added some soap liquid with a lot of water . what appears to me that water don't leach down so fast as it used to do .

what in my mind now and I might be wrong is : I think that my soil is hydrophobic one it leaches water down so fast through cracks  ,and so little water gets to the plant roots , so dish washing liquid acted as wetting agent that did a better job with my soil .

my questions are ,
am I right ?
what am I  missing ?
how can I make a natural wetting agent ?
my soil is in end of the desert , it's almost caliche ,we get almost no rain all the time , we have to till big and add lots of manure every time we grow new crop, most of the near by farm use lot of chimical fertilizers  ,herbcide , pest and fung cide  ,no till method was not good idea at all . summer is really hot and long

I tried lots of natural things with little help

7 years ago
I know that most of  soil minerals ends up into the seas and oceans .

if it so we don't have to look any further to get the minerals into our soil .

here in Egypt I know farmer from different place spry salt into their clover fields  before they flood their filed with water

and they assure me with the great results they get and how green clover get , am talking here about very fine fertile clay soil

so is there a way to make use of the sea salt ?

is there a way to get the best of it ?

can we add some to the compost ?
7 years ago
what if there is available run off soil , would it help to collect and use it on top of my soil ? what if it lacks
organic matter ?

the magic about river flood  soil in the past ,  was about the clay that the river brought with ? or it was about the humus it carried ? or both ?
7 years ago

Blaze Gorski wrote : mycorrhiza are important and fairly easy to add to plants


 How mycorrhiza is easy to add to plants ?
7 years ago

Tyler Ludens wrote: why don't you ?

why don't I believe in Mr Solomon ? because once I read two of his books and felt like it didn't help me ,

because all along history and up to 150 years ago or so , there was nutrient food and sufficient one  most of the times with out adding N P K or minerals ,

because there are forests on this earth and huge trees that grown well without human interference , because there was a time when there was no oil , and there
will come time when there will be no oil , or oil would be so dear , that we have to find ways to make things easier from now on
7 years ago

Dylan Mulder wrote : I love Elaine Ingham's work,

  So do I , I love Elaine Ingham work , and her approach is more convincing  to me more than any body else .

now what is missing ? or what is wrong ?

Is dr Ingham  wrong ? is she missing something ? is she keeping something to her self, and not telling in her lectures ?

I don't really believe in Mr Solomon approach ,

So can any body tell us who else have a better approach ?
7 years ago

Tyler Ludens  wrote : Have you looked at the whole picture?  Do you have a total ecosystemic design for your land?  Your problems could be something as basic as insufficient earthworks to capture moisture, and insufficient trees to provide shade and wind protection.

Tyler my conditions are different from yours , like I mentioned before , you can say we almost get no rain ,
and am trying to put trees to break the wind , but up till now they are not enough , and part of my land is full of grape shrubs 15 years old . and water provided by the drip irrigation is so much avilable
7 years ago
I have something to tell , maybe I have told part  of it somewhere else

when  Napolion and the French invaded Egypt in 1798 they started to make a book about Egypt including agriculture ,

to their amazement they found out that the farming yields were far better than the french ones while the Egyptian farmers did nothing but planting the seeds ,

no compost , manure , or weeding .

by that time water flooded the whole farming land of Egypt for almost two months every year , by end of summer , it was like a big lake as far as the eyes can see for that time

the flood came up with lot of mud that was added to the surface of the soil .

maybe two months of water would have killed life in the soil , maybe the mud or the clay came up with minerals and humus

till now the mudy soil of the Nile is so fertile and so expensive ,
what do you think people ?

7 years ago