justin griffin

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since Apr 25, 2013
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Recent posts by justin griffin

I was going to use some clay tile pavers on the top of my thermal mass for a cleaner look and crisper edge
also I was thinking to use a brick front wall and fill this with rocks and clay then lay the paving tiles on top
but i'm not sure if it would allow heat to escape as well as a cob bench top

Is this a bad idea?
11 years ago
Greetings from Australia

I.m building a stove with 6" riser and a smaller drum due to space limitations but i'm not sure if
due to the smaller surface area of the drum, whether I need to
adjust the outside diameter of the insulating cylinder around the heat riser to get the correct "draw".
My understanding was that it should be around 1 1/2' gap. Am I on the right track?

By the way I was thinking of cutting and welding 2 drums to get the height needed.
Any thoughts before I start would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance to everyone on the forum-this is my first post.
11 years ago