Justin G. : Have you been to 'Rocketstoves.com' to download your PDF copy $15
.ooU.S. of Ianto Evans' great book "
Rocket Mass Heaters" (I don't make a nickel)
There is no other source of
Rocket Stove information in any language with more information!
Its interesting that you have decided to go with a smaller barrel. Because we have to radiate a certain amount of heat of of the barrel to create the push that drives
the exhaust gas horizontally thru our thermal mass, we have to be aware of the Physics that demands that the smaller barrel must radiate the same amount of heat
as the Larger barrel, most radiate the same amount of heat at a higher temperature! This is what makes a cuddle with your 3 year old so pleasant when they want to
"climb up'' in your lap. Due to the smaller surface area to mass ratio they radiate this heat
energy at a slightly higher temp ! A radiator in your lap!
You should consider the 1 1/2'' figure to be a minimum to guarantee that you keep the correct 'Cross Sectional Area' thru-out your build. You can set the drum slight-
-ly offset or Eccentric to the Heat Riser, pinching or narrowing the riser insulation to sidewall of the barrel Gap to decrease the heat radiated off of that side of the
barrel protecting exposures on that side, the other side will radiate more heat and have a more active gas flow. It should be located just above the transition space
carrying the hot exhaust gases horizontally out of the base of your
Rocket Stove into your thermal mass.
This transition space should be a well insulated space with smooth walls, generously funneling the gases down to this horizontal exit, and also providing a
ash pit and
directly after a clean out with a tightly sealed cap!
For the good of the Craft, be safe, keep warm, PYROmagically Big AL