leee Davis

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since Apr 25, 2013
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ok so i made a 50 gallon rocket stove/heater to heat 100ft of copper at the top inside of the barrel to heat my pool. on the inside of the barrel instead of using the usual vermiculite etc, i read that if the usual is not easily available you can use rockwool (roxul insulation ) which i happened to have. i wrapped the heat riser with it and wrapped some steel wire around it to hold it onto it. the heat riser is about 12" below the top. here's my idea. Being i had some extra roxul insulation i proceeded to place some inside the barrel around the heat riser to the same height of the heat riser leaving a channel down to my exhaust from top to bottom of the barrel where i have the exhaust. i had some sheet metal so i cut that out to fit on top of the roxul (act as a reflector). just above the riser i placed two pieces of solid copper in the shape of a X to hold my 100ft of soft copper coil. guess my question is should i take out the reflector and the roxul i put in to fill around the heat riser? i am wondering if it would get hotter in there. right now the water going through is from the pool is about 70 degree celsius coming out i am getting from 100 to 110. I admit its a good difference, but for some reason feel it should be hotter. I don't know how many gpm is coming out but its at a decent rate, and i know if i slow it down a bit more it would get hotter.

On a another note for my feeder/combustion chamber i used a tee. i seen somewhere on you tube someone using it, cant find it again for the life of me. which end of the tee would be best to use or does it matter? i can close one end with a cap, and i also like the idea feeding the fire from the top. also can someone recommend a good high heat sealant i can get say from a lowes, home depot, home hardware or canadian tire? i bought a fire barrier caulking from lowes, doesn't say any rating for heat on it. didnt work so well. Many many thanks on reading my wordy help question.
11 years ago
Hi was wondering if there was any other sources of insulators other then vermiculite that are easier to come across? i am in Canada, Hamilton, Ontario to be exact. or do i even need to have an insulator for the chimney? Thanks
11 years ago
well thanks for the answering. i do my homework before i do things to make sure i do it right. i was hoping for more of answer on where to put a copper coil on a steel drum rocket stove to obtain the most heat without going overboard. this is a diagram i've seen and from some you tube posts that i am basing my idea off. diagram of basic idea . i do not want to put the copper coil in direct contact of the fire, hence why i am looking to find out where else to put it, like the top cover of the barrel, or in between the barrel and the chimney.
11 years ago
hello all, new to the forum here. I am interested in building a rocket stove using a 50gal steel drum to use to heat water via copper tube. I am very interested in the rocket stove idea because it doesn't put out smoke, where as a wood stove would. I live in the city so the least amount of smoke = less hassles with neighbors etc. i was thinking of using a 6" galvanized tee (ducting) for the feed/draw and on the inside use a 6" elbow to short 6" pipe on the inside to run near to the top, then at the bottom come back out with a elbow to a tall length of pipe. I've seen a few like this, and was wondering where exactly is the heat. i was thinking of two ways of running the pipe. First way is to make the 6" pipe on the inside to go about halfway up the barrel and then with a few inches above that mount a sheet of metal and lay a coil of copper on top with the lid still on so its in between. the other way i was thinking was to run the 6" pipe a few good inches from the top, elbow at bottom with a exhaust at the bottom, and run the copper around the inside of the barrel so its not in direct heat if the flame but getting i would presume the heat still coming from the inside pipe.

So i guess my question or questions would be is, which would be more efficient as to heating the coil of copper?
I have looked and really have not come across anything that someone has posted doing something like this and the steps they did to do it, so if anyone knows any if you could post it please and thank you.

Thanks for your time.
11 years ago