fooey briggs

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since May 17, 2013
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Recent posts by fooey briggs

Hey Walter, i butchered my hog this past Sunday, put the belly squares on ice overnight, then Himalayan salted them in stainless catering pans on Monday, put them in a refrigerator, and have flipped them once a day until today. Are they just garbage since I didn't use any form of nitrates/nitrites? I didn't do much research, seems anything I search on the internet is super scare tactic based BS, but I do trust a bit more the opinions found in this forum. This is the first hog I've raised, with organic feed, supplemented with a lot of extra summer produce from organic farms. I have a hard time believing that salted, refrigerated meat would be hazardous for consumption, but I know very little about pork outside of the fact that I just don't eat much of it to avoid parasites.
5 years ago
I've heard of the copper nail trick, and also making a cut the depth of the bark all the way around the base of the tree. Copper nail sure seems simple/inconspicuous. I've never tried either method myself.
11 years ago