Dillon Cruz

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since Jun 04, 2013
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Recent posts by Dillon Cruz

I have a client with a large gingko stump in her yard that cannot be removed due to its size and location and was wondering if it is possible to inoculate it with some edible mushroom spawn in order to obtain a yield from it and slowly shrink it in size.

Any suggestions would be super helpful.


Dillon Cruz
10 years ago
I am leading an intro to permaculture class in Clinton, CT on March 29 that includes a site tour. Please see attached flyer for more info.

10 years ago
There is a lot going on in Lancaster county with permaculture. Feel free to contact me at dillon.cruz72@yahoo.com for more info.

Dillon Cruz
10 years ago
If you want to set something up, let me know. I could come and do an intro to permaculture talk or something perhaps.
11 years ago
What part of CT are you in? I am a permie (took PDC and Advanced PDC for Teaching) living in Branford CT at the moment. We've only lived here for a year and I've been slowly piecing together info about the bio-region.

11 years ago
My landlady let me dig up the yard so I give her kale whenever she shows up.

More pics at my blog:

11 years ago
I'm searching for a good source to buy biodynamic preparations to amend my garden soil and am having a hard time finding them. This will be my first time using them and I want a reliable source.

11 years ago