i wished i had asked about drying wood before i spent a week cleaning out my open air barn to dry my timber. lol but i still need the space for a workshop and tool storage during building.
For what in general?
instructions on cord wood but really any book on building natural. there are so many books it's mind boggling.
Are you doing this work yourself and have you taken any workshops? It sounds like a wonderful start.
yes i am doing as much of the work i can by myself and i am looking for building methods with that in mind. however i do have family and friends to help with what i cant do myself. cutting down the trees, raising the frame, of course and the heavy lifting. i do have some ideas on how to make things easier for me even if they take longer. for example i have plenty of large enough trees surrounding the sight i can run cable between and use a chain fall to help with lifting or tripods with a chain fall. no i have not taken any work shops. but will look for some in my area. thanks for that idea.
If you have stone then you may not need to use tires as your foundation. Tires are employable, but very labor intensive to do correctly.
i do have lots of stone but the good stuff is partially in the ground and would take a lot to get it to my sight as most of my property is heavily wooded and not easily accessible. the tires just seemed like something i could do myself and with a free source for all i would need i leaned towards that. also i have limitations on bending over and stress on my lower back and a tire foundation requires less of that than setting stone for a foundation.
do you use Sketchup or draw? You are going to need a model of some sort to really do a good job and understand your design and be able to share it with others.
no i have never heard of sketchup but will for sure check it out. no i don't draw but my brother does and framed house for about 10 years so he will be doing my blue prints as for as framing goes.
i know this is a lot to do but on my side i have time and lots of it.
one more question. what time of the year is best to cut my trees and do you recommend stripping the bark ahead of time and after they are cut?
again thank you so much for your knowledge.