justin vallerio

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since Jun 11, 2013
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Recent posts by justin vallerio

I know that Saint Johns Wort helps in a lot of People but it can interact with other medications.
you should never just stop taking any medication unless directed by your doctor.
I live in ny state (Syracuse) and saint jons wort grows wild everywere here and I have used it with great results but now that i am on other medications that interact with SJW I cant take the herb anymore.
Talk to your doctor and tell him you want to try herbal medicine and make sure you are supervised while using the herbal medicines because they might not work for you and you could get suicidal.
I hope it helps you. also I can pick you some saint johns wort if you pay for the shipping.
11 years ago
Ok so Ive herd that Ox-Eye Daisy Can hel stimulate appitite along with other medicinal uses but I am interested in appitite stimulation.
For that reson I want to make a tincture but I am unsure of which parts of the plant have those properties.
If you know anything about this please help.
Thank you.
11 years ago