ok this may be a silly tip but as the person planing a food forest with some livestock. when i think survival i think how will I decontaminate my rain water supply and how to build the house in such a way that if a dormant fault line decides to get undormant my house will survive a mild to moderate earth quake and how do i protect my solar and wind power system in case of an emp. not sure why it would happen but those are my worse case thoughts as the place is already being designed for the normal disasters that can hit we are cash flowing it so the employment disaster is taken care of. I know what it is like to get stuck with out a way to the store for a few months at a time so I am trying to plan our food forest to not only provide food for a season but enough to last through the next. it may not happen with all foods. having milk and wool on the hoof and walking egg and meat factories is also in the plan. so now our family has started talking about not what we need to survive but what we need to thrive. what comfort foods do we want that we can't grow. what books and other pieces of entertainment would we want for a long snowed in period of time. I watch survival things and i think oh that's great you have food and water but what about entertainment. books boardgames maybe a solar powered cd player. How are you planing on warming up that food you have stored. the most likely survival thing your average american will face is job lose. then comes the natural disasters like tornado, flood fire, hurricane and disses. then come the unlikely ones like pandemics, government collasp and nuclear war.