Ray Dudley

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since Jun 25, 2013
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Same here. We didn't bother, just built! 8" 30-ish feet long.
9 years ago
It can be equal to (preferable) or greater than the burn tunnel CSA but NOT smaller.
10 years ago
Paul, why not put a "button" for Facebook, Pintrest, Tumblr, etc in you emails or on the site to make it easier for folks to spread the news?
Thank you so much Erica!
So, if I understand you, it's ok for my barrel to register 300-400˚ most of the time, with periodic spikes up to approx. 700˚, but, I don't need to constantly keep the barrel at the 700˚ point to get an efficient burn. Is that correct?
And it's ok to have long hours of burning at that 300-400 range?
My RMH (www.rmhnh.wordpress.com) bench is usually between 100-140˚. We LOVE our heater!
11 years ago
Erica, on one of your videos you mentioned that most RMHs burn between 400-700˚ on average. Is there an optimal temp to burn at? I mean if we constantly burn at the higher end of the range we probably get better combustion thus less ash, creosote, etc, but we waste higher temps going out the stack. But, if we burn on the lower end do we risk incomplete burns and end up with more ash and possibly creosote?
I hate to waste wood, but, I also hate to lose heat needlessly.
11 years ago