Julianna Holden Mohler

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Recent posts by Julianna Holden Mohler

Kale chips have been the rage, but collard leaves make equally good, or better, chips. We've used our coworkers as a sounding board, to see which they liked better. I also think one could do this with chard. We've made kohlrabi leaf chips too. It's really simple - just take your most favorite salad dressing and rub it into the leaves, try not to have it swimming in it. Make sure leaves are barely coated. Then dry.

My homemade mix is like a cheesy Italian dressing: oil, vinegar, onion, garlic, bell pepper, chives, parsley, salt, cayenne pepper (or other pepper, or hot pepper from the garden in its place), and nutrional yeast flakes (not brewer's yeast). If it tastes great on a salad, it will taste great on leafy greens in the dehydrator. We used up tons of greens this way because people ate them quickly, and begged for more.
9 years ago
I can't comment on growing the pumpkins, or anything about how to obtain the seed. But I lived in SE Austria (Graz) for a year and had the Kürbiskernöl (kuerbiskernoel) aka pumpkin seed oil, numerous times. Every time we return to Graz, I pick up a tin of the oil to bring back to the states. The Trader Joe's variety pales in comparison.

Styria (the state in Austria) is the only region of the world where the product comes from (though all pumpkins originated in the America's), and they protect their seeds and crops pretty closely because of it. It's a culinary delight, and much sought by chefs. Just like any food product, wine, etc, they have awards and gold medals yearly. There are good seed oils, and cheaper & less tasty ones from the same seeds. It all depends on how it's grown and how it's processed (like any foods).

The oil is volatile, meaning it can't be heated without destroying the taste and qualities. It's a perfect salad oil but they also drizzle it in hot dishes (pumpkin soup, for example), as a marinade, and various other applications. They also use the seeds for snacking - coating them with vanilla, orange and chocolate flavors (to name a few). They use the seeds in breading for wiener schnitzel as well.

The oil is dark green and stains clothing easily, but if clothing is left in sunlight, the green disappears. You still have to deal with the oil removal, but at least the color is easily addressed. I don't know if the pumpkin is edible. Based on what others have said in this forum, it appears it's not. I'm really not sure about that, because we had pumpkin soup (orange in color) with the drizzled green oil and cream. I always assumed it was from the same variety of pumpkin.

Here is what the main website says about the control of these seeds and products:

"With its designation as a product of Protected Designation of Origin, Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil P.G.I. joins the company of products such as: Champagne, Prosciutto di Parma, Prosciutto di San Daniele, Greek Feta Cheese and Nürnberger Lebkuchen as one of the most well controlled, elite and exclusive European specialities."

Here is the full article on the topic of origin protection: http://www.steirisches-kuerbiskernoel.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=46&Itemid=93&lang=en

Here is the rest of the website:


The pumpkins are orange with green stripes, yellow/white flesh, and green seeds. They are hull-less. They are Cucurbita pepo var. styriaca

10 years ago
Let me add in the Pest Detractor and Deer Repellent category (article I wrote on them linked):


I love this seed catalog and company index, based on the Safe Seed Pledge list. Each seed company is listed by state. First, the pledge, follows the link to the list of seed companies.

The Safe Seed Pledge:

"Agriculture and seeds provide the basis upon which our lives depend. We must protect this foundation as a safe and genetically stable source
for future generations. For the benefit of all farmers, gardeners and consumers who want an alternative,

We pledge that we do not knowingly buy, sell or trade genetically engineered seeds or plants.

The mechanical transfer of genetic material outside of natural reproductive methods and between
genera, families or kingdoms, poses great biological risks as well as economic, political, and cultural threats.
We feel that genetically engineered varieties have been insufficiently tested prior to public release.
More research and testing is necessary to further assess the potential risks of genetically engineered seeds.
Further, we wish to support agricultural progress that leads to healthier soils, genetically diverse agricultural
ecosystems and ultimately healthy people and communities."


At my blog, I also compiled a list of seed companies based off the Permies forum, and added some of my own favorites.

11 years ago
All the suggestions have been great, but one crucial element is left out that should be noted. Dandruff is usually caused by the very shampoo you're using (and ironically, especially dandruff shampoos which I've always found that make it worse!). That is, if it's a chemical laden one with sodium laureth sulfate, preservatives, fragrances, artificial food coloring, and petroleum products. First, that sort of shampoo strips the skin of the cuticle layer that protects us from bacteria and fungus. Then it is absorbed into our bloodstream, to cause a host of problems to our organs (especially the liver, which is trying to detoxify us every moment of the day). Same can be said, and probably especially so, for hair coloring, bleaching, perms, and all the rest. All those things dry out the scalp because they damage the cuticle, allowing pathogens to take over. Even with an unhealthy diet, if you at least have a healthy scalp, you're not likely to get dandruff. We have to watch what we put on our skin, on all parts of our bodies, not just inside.
11 years ago

Steven Feil wrote:Thanks and welcome, Julianna. If you don't like the caramel color then use one of the clear sodas.

This is the first time I have heard of three types of calcium. Interesting. Would like for you to send me more about that in a PM.

Hey Steven, thanks for the welcome.

Clear sodas contain citric acid, not phosphoric acid. If they did, I'd get those instead. Better yet, I wonder why we can't get phosphoric acid that isn't soda pop. Milk contains phosphorus, and so do leaves. But I'm not well versed in what plants or other things more natural contain it.

There are many types of calcium, some are byproducts and manmade, some from limestone, gypsum, etc. But the three types of calcium in milk are calcium phosphate, calcium lactate and calcium caseinate (except really it's phosphate). I'm not a chemist, I just learned this from a fellow farmer who grows for CSAs, farmers markets and their own farm stand.

I'm completely new to gardening even though I'm not young! I made a zillion mistakes when I started and just this year learned about permies, permaculture and sustainable agriculture. If you'd like to chat more, send me a PM.
11 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:Christy Nieto tells us about the caterpillars (currant worm) attacking her gooseberries and currants. She used to pick the caterpillars off by hand until that fine day when some paper wasps moved into the neighborhood and took care of her problem for her.

This is a great permaculture solution: work with nature instead of against nature. The predators will come.

I'm new to the forum and usually just lurk, the new "kid" on the block. I posted this in response to this on Facebook, so Paul invited me to repost here.

Except those are hornets, but the point still remains. My experience in my own garden is that garden pests usually indicate a phosphorus deficiency. If they get enough phosphorus, the plant no longer tastes good to the bugs. The bugs may still be present (and still need the hornets) but they won't want to dine on those plants as readily. But I'm not really sure it would be safe to have hornets nearby humans, unpredictable as they are. As for the phosphorus, it would be a matter of growing something that dissolves phosphorus that's locked up in the soil, or help it along with 2 oz. of apple cider vinegar per gallon of water & water it in around the plant's root systems (usually about 1.5 quarts per plant). Calcium would be another important mineral that makes the plant's structure stronger. Dandelions are great for dissolving calcium in soil. Or other calcium dissolving plants. For a really quick fix from a bug infestation, I've used foliar spray that contains 8 oz. of soda pop that contains phosphoric acid (the cola drinks) in one gallon of water. The phosphorus enters within 20 minutes. I don't like the caramel color or corn syrup (and do not use aspartame sweetened drinks), but at least it's edible unlike other foliar sprays. For calcium, you can add milk (even spoiled milk or moldy yogurt - I found really impressive results from yogurt -in the soil- due to the microorganisms) - 2 oz. in a gallon of water (either root feed or spray, but I combine the spray with the soda & milk, my root feeds have different formulas). There are 3 types of calcium in milk and it'll go into the plant's system in 20 minutes also (by spray). If anyone knows what plants help unlock phosphorus in the soil, I'd love to hear about it.

11 years ago