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Ron Weaver

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since Jul 01, 2013
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Well, didn't turn the weed dragon on full blast.
11 years ago
Thanks Ken! I took the pan and hung it over the fire pit this morning and gently caressed it with my wife's weed dragon. I think I will try your heated water idea and see what happens. Thanks, Ron.
11 years ago
Thanks Judith and John, sounds like I've got some work to do!
11 years ago
Nathan, yes the pan. Lol. I guess I didn't make that real clear. The beeswax does smell good though. Thanks, Ron.
11 years ago
Well, I was making bullet lube. I was melting this concoction in a pan and ran out of room. The cast iron pan was there so that's where I poured the over flow. It wasn't very good bullet lube so that's why it's been in the pan that long. I've emptied the pan. I haven't put any heat to it yet. I do have other cast iron, I just thought maybe I could save this one. It is a cheap Chinese pan with a wooden handle, but it was my sisters. I wasn't sure how much of the petroleum products would have been absorbed into the cast iron. Maybe I'll take the handle off and put it in the next campfire we have. Thanks, Ron.
11 years ago
Hello. I've got a 3 qt. cast iron saucepan that I've had this mixture in for about 2 years. 1 lb. beeswax, 1 lb. paraffin, 1 lb. Vaseline, 1 tbs. STP oil treatment, and 2 red crayons. Can this be saved for food, or is it not safe? Thanks for any input. Ron.
11 years ago