paul wheaton wrote: Anybody else have any thoughts on anything on the cards that needs a change?
paul wheaton wrote:
Adam Baker wrote:Adding some of Jack's stuff will be awesome!
I wonder if Deigo would be down with adding the podcasts from the permaculture voices series?
Ditto for tall Pauls stuff?
No word back from tall paul yet.
Dale Hodgins wrote: Am I the only one who would like to see the two Pauls wrestle? Tall Paul has an inch on our guy, but he sounds so nice. I haven't seen him. He may be "bean pole tall" whereas our Paul is "grisly bear tall" and probably meaner. If it goes to the floor, my money is on Mr. Wheaton.
Craig Dobbelyu wrote:Tall Paul has a good thing going with his podcast and I hope he continues to interview folks like P-Wheat in the future.