August Salmon

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since Jul 08, 2013
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Colorado. San Juan Mountains. Zone 4b and Virginia. Clinch Mountain. Zone 7a..
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Recent posts by August Salmon

Seven acre organic orchard in the Columbia River valley of NE Washington. This has been a successful orchard for nearly 40 years. As the new owners, we're looking to keep the aspects of the farm that have made it thrive while diversifying for additional income streams and better land management. There is free housing on site, "rustic", but functional. Pay is $13/hr with additional pay for farmers markets. Purple moosage or email directly at
5 years ago
Hey there. We have a developing "farm" in SW VA. We mostly focus on farming in the forest but also have about an acre of tillable land and a 2,000 sq ft high tunnel. We manage a small CSA and grow gourmet mushrooms and woodland medicinals. You sound like you could be a good fit for our small team. Let's discuss further.
7 years ago

Faye Corbett wrote:

August Salmon wrote:Does anyone use other parts of the plants, besides the berries?

I gather the leaves and dry them for tea.  High in minerals.
Faye Corbett     Appalachia

That's great! I've been thinking about trying this. Does anyone harvest the roots for anything? I have an overly healthy population here.
7 years ago

Casie Becker wrote:When we had a pet rabbit, she absolutely adored the canes. She'd eat the whole thing, thorns and all.

Our goats love them too!
7 years ago
Does anyone use other parts of the plants, besides the berries?
7 years ago
Do any of you in the tri-cities area no of any sort of permies meet ups? Or would anyone be interested in starting one? I've met some interesting and like minded people through Appalachian Sustainable Development and the local Master Gardeners group, but there doesn't seem to be any regular meeting groups focusing on permaculture, that I can find.
10 years ago
Great thread! Grant, Is there a way to access the info from past emails? Thanks.
11 years ago
First generation sustainable farm, forest diversification and gourmet mushroom project
I didn't intend to plug my campaign here, then this page was created. That must be a good sign
This is our first try at crowd funding. Sometimes (almost all the time) you just don't have enough money for all your great ideas . Please take a look. Share or contribute if you can. Thanks!

Oh, suggestions, comments, etc. are appreciated.
11 years ago