Hugo Rozzo

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since Jul 18, 2013
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It's bad for the liver after a long time. It's good for gastritis,ulcus and other problems in the stomach,bronchitis,arthritis, osteoporose. Phytotherapeutes stop prescribing it because there are good alternatives. But on the other hand the english have eaten the young leaves as a spinage for a long time.
Good luck.
11 years ago
I have only a small garden, but managed to grow red wild clover. You got to wait for the flowerheads to be dry, when you pick em they must fall into your hand just like that. No pulling. Keep em in an envelope in the winter and sow in march. You can throw em down straight away where you want em as well, they do grow, but i've had more luck in spring. I transplanted them to a place where they block wind in a row. They don't like it, but with a little water if they looking sorry they'll survive. They don't like the bits of the garden i didn't make loose with the spade.
Good luck to you.
11 years ago
Hello everybody,i'd like to put in my 2 cents. I saw the video of Paul Wheaton above and i combined a bit what i saw of the different methods in the video. I went for a top-down model, spray-painted the PVC chimney black. The cupboard itself with all the lovely fruities in them white, cause the hot air is to cool in there i figured, to drop toward the entry of the chimney. And i insulated the back of the inlet for maximum heating with a left over multilayer space insulation. It has gotten bigger uglier and heavier then i had anticipated, all neighbors are curious.
11 years ago