Craig Foulds

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since Aug 14, 2013
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Ann Torrence wrote:

Craig Foulds wrote:What belief system?

This statement is belief, not fact nor data:

Craig Foulds wrote: I can see with my own two eyes and feel with my heart that animals are no different than us in sentience, nor lesser in any way than the human species.

Believe it with all your heart if you choose. Others don't and thus draw different conclusions.
I see that you haven't posted much here yet. isn't really the place to stir up these kinds of debates where few people change their beliefs; how can we serve you?

That's like me saying "I can taste this apple and it tastes like an apple", both of us can see the apple, and you watched me pick it from an apple tree, and then you tell me that's just a belief and not to force my belief system on you.
10 years ago
I don't see any judgement here in this speaker's lecture. Nor do I see him professing a belief system anywhere. Veganism is far from a belief system. It's simply not investing in the enslavement, slaughter and death of animals. What belief system? I can see with my own two eyes and feel with my heart that animals are no different than us in sentience, nor lesser in any way than the human species. Every child knows this too. It may be a lifestyle but how is eating plants a belief system?
10 years ago
The market for angora rabbit fur is a vile and disgusting one. Ripping fur off of a rabbit is inhumane to say the least. There is a reason why they are screaming.
10 years ago
This article by Toby Hemenway might help you better grasp the issue of land management and how Fukuoka might have felt.
10 years ago
Do you keep the plastic cap on the lid? How about holes in the sides of the jug, seems mighty damp inside mine. Thanks
What are the soil conditions like in this spot? might even consider a few small shrubs, even rose in addition to a cover.
10 years ago
What about Kinnikinnick / Bearberry? One of my favorite native plants here, berries are edible and attract birds. Evergreen and full sun ok, cold shouldn't be a problem, I know it grows in Alaska, and dry would be okay I would think.

10 years ago