Brian Hamalainen

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since Aug 15, 2013
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Parikkala, Finland USDA Zone 4a
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Recent posts by Brian Hamalainen

Moi, from Parikkala, Etelä Karjala! Anteeksi, my suomen kielen is very poor. I do not have much to help; but I just met a ranskalainen couple who are doing permaculture near Punkaharju, Etelä Savo.

May I ask where you are?
2 years ago
Howdy folks of Permies. I have a bunch of marigolds in my garden that I need to pull up. I know they're good for repelling a lot of pests and even attract some beneficial bugs.

My question is this: what parts are the best for repelling nasties and is there a way I can safely process and preserve them for applying to my spring seedlings?
9 years ago
Dale: Have you done your nail-/screw-holding tests on these poles yet? Have you figured out how deep/prevalent the dark staining usually is? Also, to clarify, the poles you peeled but brought inside/kept out of the rain, what was their color like a few months after peeling?

Data. We like data! Please feed us your findings!

Thank you for sharing. Brian.
9 years ago
Loading the logs is something I've seen, on a much smaller scale. Both of the milling devices ("mobile miller" AKA "Giant Freaking Blade On A Backhoe Arm" and the "stationary mill" AKA "The 6 Foot Diameter Blade On A 6 And A Half Foot Table") were new to me.


PS: Could someone please fix the code/embed the video?
9 years ago


It's amazing when computers can do that with laser-cut steel. Wood is not nearly as "uniform" and this is all by hand.
Great stuff, Joel. Have you fired it up and pounded any metal yet? If so, I'm sure others would also like to see your work.

I took a similar approach with my homemade scrap (wood/charcoal) forges, seen here

I hope my experience can help you out.
10 years ago
Looks pretty snazzy Dale! Curious to see how it works out for you.

Andrew: It looks like it has a standard Bar&Chain Oil tank. I figure it probably doesn't spash into the electronics very much. My standard 2-stroke generally keeps the B&CO on the bar end of things and doesn't get it all over my engine.
10 years ago
Very awesome! Good work.

Could you please get some pictures of the stamps in the head? Thanks.
10 years ago
Peter: Was your Yellow Mystery Wood dark brown on the cut surface before you worked it? It sounds like it might be Mulberry. I came across a few rounds a while back. The outsides started as dark brown but instantly turned vibrant yellow as soon as I put a fresh cut in it or sanded it at all.

:EDIT: I found some pictures that include one on my pieces of Mulberry. One, under a piece of steel I was cold-forging, shows the "aged" brown color and the other shows the freshly cut color.
10 years ago