Botho Willer

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since Aug 29, 2013
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Recent posts by Botho Willer

We just created a little website that should help to find good companions a lot.
It's called PlantBuddies and you can find it here:

The Permaculture Planner would be the next step, we have some ideas and a very basic prototype for that already but atm. we lack the development power to really start with this. If someone is interested in working on this (web-devs preferably) be sure to check out

@Amiee: That sounds great! Thank you for the info.
8 years ago
Hey Pascal,
great idea, I hope some people will take you up on your offer.
I'm a german native speaker and can also assist.
8 years ago
So I know this is quite old, but did any of you (especially dave) try this?
8 years ago
Hello there,

I know this thread is older than the dinosaurs, but I kept finding it while I was searching for open permaculture things in the web so maybe this is the perfect place to shamelessly invite you to visit:

It's a collection of some very nice open permaculture related projects. We are happy to get your thoughts and suggestions for more content.

9 years ago