Lee Bewicke

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since Oct 08, 2013
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Recent posts by Lee Bewicke

Kyrt Ryder wrote:In hardiness zone 6 you should be able to grow Tea [Camellia Sinensis] in an unheated greenhouse that's loaded with thermal mass and reasonably insulated. Some varieties might survive outdoors but you're at the extreme edge of that possibility.

There is a tea house/ farm in Ithica new york growing tea outside. I believe they planted seed from the moutain regions of China.
8 years ago
I hear pigs really like sunchokes.
8 years ago

Yona Brod wrote:I'm watching myself get more and more interested in research. What sort of grand-scale research needs to be done in the permaculture community?

Maybe a better question would be: How can I find the big questions people are asking right now?

There must be millions of permutations of various plant guilds, it would be nice to see if some combinations consistantly outperform others.
Others might want to see side by side comparisons of direct seeded and transplanted trees.
Perhaps research into carbon sequstration with various systems.
Just my 2cents..
9 years ago
Corn gluton(spelling?) Relatively nontoxic inhibits new seed growth.
9 years ago
Deb ,I'm envious of your low humidity!
They actually make special paints materials to reflect more heat and emit heat upwardly rather than absorb the heat. There is something out there called the Cool roof rating council .

"A high solar reflectance—or albedo—is the most important characteristic of a cool roof as it helps to reflect sunlight and heat away from a building, reducing roof temperatures. A high thermal emittance also plays a role, particularly in climates that are warm and sunny. Together, these properties help roofs to absorb less heat and stay up to 50–60°F (28–33°C) cooler than conventional materials during peak summer weather."

Sounds like you are doing all the right things! keep cool.
10 years ago
Just wanted to add "cool roof" (mostly white metal) can be 40 F cooler than asphalt. Of course a couple feet of dirt with plants growing on it is good too.
10 years ago