Heya! I am curious about where you all visit to find permie-ish related news. These are the sites that I know of:
Permaculture News
-a great news source run by
Geoff Lawton about all things
permaculture with great informative articles, updates about amazing
permaculture courses, and much more
Alternative News
-know about because I see it on the website banner, and they cover a broader range of topics, kinda like a regular news site, good thought out articles
-I especially like their thoughts on
Environmental Education
Highly Uncivlized
-is kind of what the name implies, unconventional thoughts and ideas regarding the world and life
Low Tech Magazine
-I especially like this news source because they have written amazing articles about revisiting older technologies in a new light
No Tech Magazine
-related to Low Tech
Magazine, and shares interesting thoughts on how to do things differently
Where do you all go for permies-ish news?