Dave Burton

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since May 01, 2014
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Forum Moderator
Dave Burton currently moderates these forums:
Permaculture is my passion, and I intend to gain hands-on experience in permaculture and make the world a better place! It's time enough to stop being angry at the bad guys and get to work making a new world!
At the moment, I am currently looking for farms, intentional communities, and ecovillages that I could be a part of, so that I can get hands-on experience and practical knowledge of permaculture.
I am always available for hire for any in real life or online projects. Just make me an offer, and we can start talking.
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3 years ago
Please join me in welcoming Michelle Avis, Rob Avis, and Takota Coen. authors of Building Your Permaculture Property!

Read the review of Building Your Permaculture Property here!


Michelle Avis, Rob Avis, and Takota Coen will be hanging out in the forums until this Friday answering questions and sharing their experiences with you all.

At the end of this week, we'll make a drawing for 4 lucky winners to win a copy of Building Your Permaculture Property. From now until Friday, all new posts in the Permaculture Design forum are eligible to win.
To win, you must use a name that follows our naming policy and you must have your email set up to receive the Daily-ish email. Higher quality posts are weighed more highly than posts that just say, "Wow, that's really cool! I want to win!"

When the four winners are selected, they will be announced in this thread and their email address will be sent to the publisher, and the publisher will sort out the delivery details with the winners.

Please remember that we favour perennial discussion.  The threads you start will last beyond the event.  You don't need to use Michelle Avis, Rob Avis, and Takota Coen's names to get their attention. We like these threads to be accessible to everyone, and some people may not post their experiences if the thread is directed to the author alone.

Posts in this thread won't count as an entry to win a copy of the book, but please say "Hi!" to Michelle Avis, Rob Avis, and Takota Coen and make them feel welcome!
3 years ago
Please join me in welcoming Zach Loeks, Instructor of the Food Guild Design Course at EcosystemU!

Read the review of the Food Guild Design Course here!


Zach Loeks will be hanging out in the forums until this Friday answering questions and sharing his experiences with you all.

At the end of this week, we'll make a drawing for 4 lucky winners a ticket to the Food Guild Design Course. From now until Friday, all new posts in the Permaculture Design Forum forum are eligible to win.
To win, you must use a name that follows our naming policy and you must have your email set up to receive the Daily-ish email. Higher quality posts are weighed more highly than posts that just say, "Wow, that's really cool! I want to win!"

When the four winners are selected, they will be announced in this thread and their email address will be sent to the publisher, and the publisher will sort out the delivery details with the winners.

Please remember that we favour perennial discussion.  The threads you start will last beyond the event.  You don't need to use Zach Loeks' name to get his attention. We like these threads to be accessible to everyone, and some people may not post their experiences if the thread is directed to the author alone.

Posts in this thread won't count as an entry to win a ticket to the course, but please say "Hi!" to Zach Loeks and make him feel welcome!
3 years ago
To make a good quality post about crowdfunding for your billboard in NJ, please consider creating a post with a format like this:
-Primary Title
-Some text
-Another Picture
-Secondary Title
-Some Text
-Another Picture
-Secondary Title
-Some text
-Secondary Title For Feedback
-Ask some questions to spark discussion

For info on formatting posts, please read how to use formatting tags:

For an example of what a good quality formatted post looks like, please refer to this post by Daron Williams:

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Advertisements belong in the Blatant Advertising forum:

Please be aware that all posts that do not meet our publishing standards are liable to be deleted.
I strongly advise reading up on how permies.com works.
3 years ago
Please join me in welcoming Michelle Avis, Rob Avis, and Takota Coen. authors of Building Your Permaculture Property!

Read the review of Building Your Permaculture Property here!


Michelle Avis, Rob Avis, and Takota Coen will be hanging out in the forums until this Friday answering questions and sharing their experiences with you all.

At the end of this week, we'll make a drawing for 4 lucky winners to win a copy of Building Your Permaculture Property. From now until Friday, all new posts in the Permaculture Design forum are eligible to win.
To win, you must use a name that follows our naming policy and you must have your email set up to receive the Daily-ish email. Higher quality posts are weighed more highly than posts that just say, "Wow, that's really cool! I want to win!"

When the four winners are selected, they will be announced in this thread and their email address will be sent to the publisher, and the publisher will sort out the delivery details with the winners.

Please remember that we favour perennial discussion.  The threads you start will last beyond the event.  You don't need to use Michelle Avis, Rob Avis, and Takota Coen's names to get their attention. We like these threads to be accessible to everyone, and some people may not post their experiences if the thread is directed to the author alone.

Posts in this thread won't count as an entry to win a copy of the book, but please say "Hi!" to Michelle Avis, Rob Avis, and Takota Coen and make them feel welcome!
3 years ago
This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEP curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the straw badge in Animal Care.

For this BB, you will build a manual baler!

Related Thread:
- The Bale Press at Wheaton Labs

(source: The Bale-Press at Wheaton Labs)

To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
 - manual baler must make a standard size bale
 - must be made out of dimensional lumber

To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must provide proof of the following as pictures or a video (<2 mins):
 - materials used to construct the manual baler
 - progress of building the manual baler
 - the completed manual baler
3 years ago


From Paul Wheaton, "People with homesteads are seeking people with REAL experience and skill. People seeking homesteading opportunities want to build REAL experience and skill.

This book is an attempt to bridge these two communities.  People seeking homesteading opportunities are provided a way to accomplish hundreds of things and document them for free.  Eventually, they will be able to peruse hundreds of homestead opportunities. And people with homesteads will be able to peruse hundreds of homesteaders that have proven their worth.

Active homesteaders use SKIP to build their skills for their own benefit. The verification of their skills lends weight to their words on our forums.  Some people already have land and use SKIP to build their skills for caring for their land."

From Mike Haasl, "The purpose of the book is to:
    - fully describe the SKIP system
   - show potential benefactors how robust the program is
   - give aspiring homesteaders/permaculture folks a list of skills that they can complete
   - summarize a huge amount of details into a format that is easy to read, distribute and gift

This book does not:
   - teach you how to do each skill
   - directly connect you with an heir/benefactor/land share'

Table of Contents

Where to Buy

Additional Buying Options - TBA (After the Kickstarter)

More Information

Related Videos

Related Podcasts
podcast 419 – PEP Program
podcast 430 - Otis
podcast 446 - PEP1 event summary - part1 and Part 2
podcast 463 – PEP-Skip Foraging – Part1 and Part 2
podcast 480 - PEP Badge Gardening
Podcast 503 - PEP Badge Animal Care
Podcast 504 - PEP Badge Animal Care Session 2
Podcast 507 - PEP Badge Animal Care Session 3 - Part 1 and Part 2
Podcast 515 - BB20 Event 2020 - Part 1 and Part 2
Podcast 523 - The Click - Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
Podcast 529 - Permaculture Smackdown 2 - Part 1 and Part 2

Related Forums
Skills to Inherit Property (SKIP) - Category, Forum
Permaculture Experience According to Paul (PEP)
Permaculture Experience for Apartments (PEA)

Related Threads
SKIP Book Kickstarter (April 2021) - Discussion
All About SKIP, PEP Badges, BB's, and More!
The 22 Aspects of PEP
What is PEP and PEX?
Which Badge Bits (BB's) do YOU think are the Easiest? :: Apple Poll
What are Your 20 Easiest Sand BB's?
3 years ago


From Paul Wheaton, "People with homesteads are seeking people with REAL experience and skill. People seeking homesteading opportunities want to build REAL experience and skill.

This book is an attempt to bridge these two communities.  People seeking homesteading opportunities are provided a way to accomplish hundreds of things and document them for free.  Eventually, they will be able to peruse hundreds of homestead opportunities. And people with homesteads will be able to peruse hundreds of homesteaders that have proven their worth.

Active homesteaders use SKIP to build their skills for their own benefit. The verification of their skills lends weight to their words on our forums.  Some people already have land and use SKIP to build their skills for caring for their land."

From Mike Haasl, "The purpose of the book is to:
    - fully describe the SKIP system
   - show potential benefactors how robust the program is
   - give aspiring homesteaders/permaculture folks a list of skills that they can complete
   - summarize a huge amount of details into a format that is easy to read, distribute and gift

This book does not:
   - teach you how to do each skill
   - directly connect you with an heir/benefactor/land share'

Table of Contents

Where to Buy

Additional Buying Options - TBA (After the Kickstarter)

More Information

Related Videos

Related Podcasts
podcast 419 – PEP Program
podcast 430 - Otis
podcast 446 - PEP1 event summary - part1 and Part 2
podcast 463 – PEP-Skip Foraging – Part1 and Part 2
podcast 480 - PEP Badge Gardening
Podcast 503 - PEP Badge Animal Care
Podcast 504 - PEP Badge Animal Care Session 2
Podcast 507 - PEP Badge Animal Care Session 3 - Part 1 and Part 2
Podcast 515 - BB20 Event 2020 - Part 1 and Part 2
Podcast 523 - The Click - Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
Podcast 529 - Permaculture Smackdown 2 - Part 1 and Part 2

Related Forums
Skills to Inherit Property (SKIP) - Category, Forum
Permaculture Experience According to Paul (PEP)
Permaculture Experience for Apartments (PEA)

Related Threads
SKIP Book Kickstarter (April 2021) - Discussion
All About SKIP, PEP Badges, BB's, and More!
The 22 Aspects of PEP
What is PEP and PEX?
Which Badge Bits (BB's) do YOU think are the Easiest? :: Apple Poll
What are Your 20 Easiest Sand BB's?
3 years ago
This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEP curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the straw badge in Nest.

In this Badge Bit, you will deep clean and polish a stainless steel sink.

To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
   - only natural and nontoxic cleaners and polishes

To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must provide proof of the following with pictures (or a video < 2 mins long):
   - before, during, and after of deep cleaning and polishing a stainless steel sink
   - show and describe what you cleaned and polished the stainless steel sink with
   - demonstrate it meets the above stated requirements
4 years ago