Kim Annon.

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since Oct 19, 2013
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Recent posts by Kim Annon.

This is a pretty slick site. Learned about it from my TEDtalk addiction.

They are trying to put together a cheap, durable, DIY version of everything a civilization needs to be self sustaining with most of the modern comforts. They've got a lot of stuff already built, and an awful lot still in the testing phase. Check it out.
9 years ago
A big stack of knights helmets is my project this month. Wish I could afford to lose the day job and just be crafty, but I'm still the main income for the house. Best of luck with the deer. A closer, more attractive spot ought to do the trick.
10 years ago
Sue, have you tried putting up something like a living fence against the deer. A wall of bushes that are thorns and fruit that people prefer to not eat. I don't remember where I heard the idea, it was ages ago, but it might keep them out of your best areas.

Thanks for the poke and encouraging words. Once I finish up the round of crochet orders I am on, I am going to get back to work on this. I feel like there's never enough time.
10 years ago
Sorry for the long hiatus. Depression is a heck of a thing.

I can't believe it's been a year since I've put myself out here and said this is what I want to do with myself. Since then, I've gotten a job teaching crochet part time in Northborough, moved to Fitchburg so V can go back to college next semester, had a little bundle of baby added to my life, and had a hearty battle with depression.

Through the depression, and the move I'm still not happy with, I've been picking at my ideas for this. Refining what I've had, and doing a bit of research on how to run a good crowdfund.

I still don't know enough about the legal process of land permits, food production, and designing a good building. I still don't have the knowledge needed to safely ID edibles in the wild when it's time to survey the land. I've still got cold feet about cold calling anyone about my idea, although the land I'd like is still up for sale.

I'm happy to see the Boston Food Forest Coalition getting some land and support, though.

Susan, I could use another person to poke me with a stick once and a while, or to help me with the legal side of things. I'd love the help, actually. Let me know.
10 years ago

Sorry about that. I'd just kind of assumed folks know what time banks are. I have a bad habit of thinking people can read my mind to know what I've been thinking before I start talking. Or typing.

A time bank is the US name for a community that barters work-hours, regardless of things like the usual hourly wage for similar tasks, and keeps track of net work hours given (earned) and received (bought) by each member - individual, family, or business - so that a barter transaction does not have to be formed as a closed loop before works begins. See Wikipedia: Time Banking or the USA Time Bank Homepage to poke around for a more in-depth description.

My posting was asking the mods to set up a place here on the permies site where folks who are members of a time bank at home can trade time across the internet.


As for the appropriateness of a time bank section:

Permaculture (and shouldn't the spell check on this site know that word by now?) has grown beyond Bill Mollison's coined word for permanent agriculture designed after natural ecosystems. It's a term that can invoke a myriad of sometimes conflicting images, but a big part of that now a days is the sense of community involved.

Time banks are nothing so much as a community that has come together in a geographic area, over the decision that no one, regardless of their station of birth, ability, education, or whatever, is worth more than any other in the grand scheme, because we all have to live life one hour at a time. Not something big business or most governments (the apparent mortal enemies of permies if some around here are to be believed) like or agree with at all.

Time Bank Globalization:
I'll admit, you can't shovel a driveway or darn a sweater over the internet. But with all the tech that's pretty commonplace in the 'first world' and available to rent in most cities, you can do a heck of a lot for someone without ever being able to touch them.

For a time barter conducted over the net, that isn't a closed loop, there are two options: One, the person giving time without receiving can agree to donate the hour to the local bank of the person receiving without giving, so they can make the community stronger and more available. Or two, you can both contact the secretaries or what have you of your local time banks and arrange a transfer of the hours, probably a bit of a pain, I'll admit.

The only other option I can think of is for a purely online time bank to be formed. That's probably a good bit of work and a bit of money in hosting fees. I was honestly hoping that, with the number of people available here, round-robin closed loops could be formed when no one is willing to donate to the home bank of the folks at the end of the line.

Hope that answered your questions well enough. Let me know if not.
Some things you need to meet face-to-face for, and others not so much. Perhaps you'd set up a place for those in time banks to trade their hours for the less tactile tasks that still need doing?

Members here would have to choose to either pay it forward as the asked, or sort out between the separate time banks to transfer the hours over, of course, but it would be a nice option to have all the same.
The Boston/Worcester area Time Bank, the Time Trade Circle, is having it's next orientation meeting in Worcester, MA Saturday, March 15 at 4pm at the Stone Soup community center, located at 4 King Street in Worcester MA.

Time Trade Circle: Join
Stone Soup Community Center
Stone Soup & the Time Trade Circle

There will also be meetings in Brighton on April 5, and in Cambridge on April 20.
10 years ago
Having had neither chickens nor a greenhouse before, I know im no expert. i dont know how much actual airflow the chickens would need compared to the amount of heat they would produce.

perhaps incorporating a secondary vent bipassing the greenhouse for the worst of winter?
10 years ago
please forgive the slightly scatteted nature of the post. typing on a cellphone while waiting for the car im sitting in to be warm enough to drive isnt conducive to good grammer or structure.

So, I know the idea has probably been discussed to death but one version I have not seen is a 2 floor chicken coop / greenhouse.

I was thinking dug into a hill deep enough that the bottom floor entrance is level with the bottom of the hill and the entrance to the top floor is level with the top of the hill.

sand floor chicken coop on the bottom.

something thermal mass heavy like concrete for the dividing floor with air vents placed around.

greenhouse with the usual features on the top.

not something very cheap to construct, i don't think, but good for the long term if you make sure to get the size right for your future needs.

the hill will keep the chickens from drowning if its not built at the very bottom of the hill.
10 years ago
Mildly aggravating that I Can't go back and bold up the important line in the first post I made. But I'll light it up over here

We need to show them that starting isn't so hard, that the little things do add up, and that they can make a difference with just a few minutes worth of time.

I started this thread in hopes of gathering ideas that will help push folks who's main claim against our version of smarter living is that it takes too much time and effort to get started. I know that it's an uphill battle with people stuck in the consumerism mindset. Getting them interested in the idea of being less dependent on the system, because it's a way to 'cheat' the system and keep some hard earned money, is just the first step. Once there's an interest, and they see the gains, they are much more likely to ask around for more ways to save, and to turn towards our version of smarter living.

My room mates looked at me like I had two heads when I started in with some of my 'weird hippy habits' but I just showed them how much money it saved at the end of the month, and they picked up a few for themselves. They now vacuum seal a large purchase of meat for the freezer once a month, use my dehydrator pretty regularly to make some of their own snacks, and cook triple-portions for eating later. And it was worth it for them to spend $5 on a natural bug repellent to keep out the ants than it was to deal with the hassle of the rental office and a visit from the exterminator.

10 years ago