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Time Bank Trading (Sub?)Forum Idea.

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Some things you need to meet face-to-face for, and others not so much. Perhaps you'd set up a place for those in time banks to trade their hours for the less tactile tasks that still need doing?

Members here would have to choose to either pay it forward as the asked, or sort out between the separate time banks to transfer the hours over, of course, but it would be a nice option to have all the same.
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Kim, could you explain what you're on about? please!

Because, as a mere mortal, and furthermore, french mere mortal, i can't make any sense out of this message.


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Kim, I think I get what you mean about trading time banks, but I'm not sure that this is an appropriate place for it. These forums are already bloating hugely with new boards being added on topics that are more central to permaculture. While time banks have merit I'm not sure that they are really core to what permaculture is all about. Also, how do you propose globalising something like a time bank? I'm based in the UK - how could you and I usefully trade time?

Generally I'm not a fan of forums subdividing boards further and further - after a certain point it actually makes it harder to find things and harder to get posts seen by a broad swathe of the permies population.
Kim Annon.
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Sorry about that. I'd just kind of assumed folks know what time banks are. I have a bad habit of thinking people can read my mind to know what I've been thinking before I start talking. Or typing.

A time bank is the US name for a community that barters work-hours, regardless of things like the usual hourly wage for similar tasks, and keeps track of net work hours given (earned) and received (bought) by each member - individual, family, or business - so that a barter transaction does not have to be formed as a closed loop before works begins. See Wikipedia: Time Banking or the USA Time Bank Homepage to poke around for a more in-depth description.

My posting was asking the mods to set up a place here on the permies site where folks who are members of a time bank at home can trade time across the internet.


As for the appropriateness of a time bank section:

Permaculture (and shouldn't the spell check on this site know that word by now?) has grown beyond Bill Mollison's coined word for permanent agriculture designed after natural ecosystems. It's a term that can invoke a myriad of sometimes conflicting images, but a big part of that now a days is the sense of community involved.

Time banks are nothing so much as a community that has come together in a geographic area, over the decision that no one, regardless of their station of birth, ability, education, or whatever, is worth more than any other in the grand scheme, because we all have to live life one hour at a time. Not something big business or most governments (the apparent mortal enemies of permies if some around here are to be believed) like or agree with at all.

Time Bank Globalization:
I'll admit, you can't shovel a driveway or darn a sweater over the internet. But with all the tech that's pretty commonplace in the 'first world' and available to rent in most cities, you can do a heck of a lot for someone without ever being able to touch them.

For a time barter conducted over the net, that isn't a closed loop, there are two options: One, the person giving time without receiving can agree to donate the hour to the local bank of the person receiving without giving, so they can make the community stronger and more available. Or two, you can both contact the secretaries or what have you of your local time banks and arrange a transfer of the hours, probably a bit of a pain, I'll admit.

The only other option I can think of is for a purely online time bank to be formed. That's probably a good bit of work and a bit of money in hosting fees. I was honestly hoping that, with the number of people available here, round-robin closed loops could be formed when no one is willing to donate to the home bank of the folks at the end of the line.

Hope that answered your questions well enough. Let me know if not.
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Kim , What is the legal status of bartered work hours as seen by the IRS ? If I work ten hours and then recieve ten hours of work in return is that considered income ? I personally see nothing wrong with an underground economy . I wonder about the record keeping on this forum being subject to IRS "review". The NSA is probably reading my keystrokes right now !
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